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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 540

As Magnus stormed out of the house, Alice made no move to stop him. If he needed some space to cool off, so be it. Deep down, she knew he wouldn't harm her, not with Natalia being his Achilles' heel.

A sinister grin crept across Alice's face. Poor, pitiful Natalia, once the belle of the ball, was now reduced to a shadow of her former self, clinging to life on some godforsaken rock in the middle of nowhere.

Alice's smile was cruel and bloodthirsty as she reveled in the thought of Natalia, left to starve on that deserted isle. The sheer satisfaction sent a thrill through Alice’s veins.

Meanwhile, the Hawaiian night settled quietly around Magnus as he drove away from home, his mind racing, scouring the island for any sign of Natalia. The heavy blanket of night enveloped the islands as Magnus, with his headlights piercing the darkness, hunted for any trace of Natalia along the streets and alleys.

With no leads to go on, his search became a desperate meandering through the twilight, which turned up nothing even as midnight approached.

“Damn it!” Magnus slammed his fist on the steering wheel, his frustration boiling over into rage. “That evil Alice,” he thought, “she would one day learn what it meant to cross me.”

Setting aside his fury for the moment, Magnus knew his priority was to find Natalia, unharmed. He dialed Paul again, instructing him to dig up whatever dirt he could on Alice's backers and possible hideouts for Natalia. Paul went to work through the night, combing through every scrap of information related to Alice.

Far out at sea, on a nameless island, Natalia lay on the ground, tirelessly scraping at her bindings with a sharp rock. Though the stones were jagged, they were far from proper tools, and with her strength waning, progress was agonizingly slow. She couldn't remember how long she had been grinding away,.

Dehydration and hunger had caused her to faint multiple times, only to be awakened by the searing sun and then, at night, by the chilling breeze.

Under the starlit sky that illuminated the desolate island, Natalia would have admired the view if she weren't bound and determined to escape.

Alice was too good at impersonating her. Natalia feared the imposter had settled into her own home, mimicking her every mannerism with those same blue eyes. The thought of Alice receiving Magnus' affection and possibly being entwined with him in their bed was torture worse than death.

No, she had to get off this cursed island.


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