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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 544

Natalia's body was a tapestry of scrapes and bruises from her fall. The blood seeping from her wounds caused a burning pain. But right now, she might as well have been numb, for the agony in her heart overshadowed any physical discomfort. It felt like it would crush her; the stinging in her flesh was nothing in comparison.

Her hands covered her face as she tried to wipe away the tears that cascaded down her cheeks, but they just wouldn't stop. No matter how hard she scrubbed, they kept falling like pearls off a broken necklace.

Collapsed in despair on the beach, she stared at the sky with a heart turned to ash. Alice was right. Hell had claimed her, and her heart shredded, leaving her spirit with no place to rest.

“Magnus, how could you not recognize me? How could you take another woman in your arms thinking she was me?”

“The woman beneath you – she wasn't me! How could you? How could you be with her, leaving me shattered?”

Natalia trembled with the pain that enveloped her. She knew she shouldn't blame Magnus; after all, it was Alice who had deceived him with her uncanny ability to mimic Natalia's appearance.

Yet, Natalia’s heart refused to accept it. Her love selfishly demanded Magnus all to herself, even when she was already dying.

Curled up on the sand, she let the waves of despair drown her, feeling her body grow colder by the moment. But no matter how cold she became, it couldn't quell the icy despair deep inside.

Slowly, Natalia closed her eyes, her once radiant face now pale as death. If this was hell, there was no escape, no respite from the tearing of her soul, leaving her to suffer in silence. She opened her eyes once more, staring at the skies in despair as the day faded to dusk...


In Hawaii, Magnus had scoured the town, alerting every officer on the force, while James and Paul searched the ocean all day without a trace of Alice.

As the sun set, Alice, disguised as a fisherman, slipped onto a boat that docked back in Hawaii.

On the edge of a breakdown, Magnus received a call that Alice had returned to the villa. He rushed back, only to get another call, this time from Paul. "Any news of my wife?" Magnus demanded, though he knew Paul couldn't see him shaking his head on the other end.

"There's no sign of her, and Alice is nowhere to be found."

"She's at the villa!" Magnus' voice was a low growl filled with menace. "Keep looking for my wife. I'm heading back!"

He felt a crushing guilt. Duped by Alice's disguise, he raced back to the villa. When he found Alice nonchalantly eating on the couch, he wanted to destroy the world. Marching over, he grabbed her. "Where is she? Where did you go today?"

Alice had been pleased to see Magnus until he seized her, demanding Natalia's whereabouts. "Ha, Magnus, wasn't I good to you last night? Are you still hung up on Natalia...?"

With a smack, she was flung against the wall and then crumpled to the floor.

"You think I'll fall for your tricks again? Where is she? Speak, or today's your last day!"

Magnus couldn’t wait any longer. Fearing for his wife's suffering, he couldn't be played by Alice's disguises any longer.

Alice endured the severe pain, slowly crawling up. She glared coldly at Magnus, "You treat me like this. Don't expect me to tell you Natalia's whereabouts!"


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