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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 545

Jonas instantly surmised that his mommy was on the islands ahead. As the speedboat neared the islet, the police dog leaped off, with Jonas and Magnus following suit.

From a distance, Magnus spotted the tablet and the adult toys Alice had tossed on the ground. The dog barked frantically, sending Magnus’ heart plummeting into the abyss. “Honey!”

Led by the dog, Jonas hurried across the oddly shaped boulders to the back of the island. Beside a large rock, Jonas saw Natalia lying on the ground and shouted, "Mommy!"

Hearing Jonas' cry, Magnus’ legs went weak. He stumbled over to Natalia, beholding her pallid complexion. She looked lifeless as if all breath had fled.

His hands trembling, breath ragged, Magnus reached for Natalia. Her ashen face and battered body tore at his heart as he roared towards the sky, "Honey—"

Her body was cold as ice. Jonas quickly checked Natalia's chest with the medical kit he had brought. "Hurry, Mommy's still alive! We need to get her to the hospital!" Jonas was already crying his eyes out.

At Jonas' words, Magnus felt the limp form in his arms, and tears streaked his face. "Okay, okay, let’s move. We're getting Mommy to the hospital. Honey, I'm sorry, I'm late. Hang in there; we're heading to the hospital."

Magnus, cradling Natalia, dashed back to the shore and onto the speedboat, racing back.

Upon reaching the hospital in Hawaii, Magnus couldn't wait and charged inside. The doctor immediately began resuscitation. Magnus clung to Natalia. "Do it here while she’s on me. I won't let her go. Honey, I'm here. You’ll be fine."

Seeing Magnus' crazed determination, the doctor said nothing more and began to treat Natalia urgently.

Natalia, hanging by a thread, was clutched tightly by Magnus. Her color was gray, her breath was faint, and her body was cold as if she were already gone.

Magnus placed his hand on Natalia's face, watching the doctor's efforts and whispering repeatedly, "Honey, I'm sorry I was late. I’m sorry."

Natalia’s hand was so cold it hurt Magnus to his core. His heart seethed with hatred for the despicable Alice. Had she not resorted to such underhanded tactics, how could his wife have suffered such a terrible ordeal?

What gnawed at Magnus the most was how late he was in finding his wife. Seeing her powerless on this desolate island made him want to destroy the world, the weight of guilt and self-reproach nearly crushing him. It was all his own incompetence! Leaving his wife to silently endure everything on this desolate island! Had he been even later, the consequences would have been unimaginable!

Beside him, Jonas watched the medical team work on Natalia. His eyes were brimming with tears, and his heart was aching for his mommy.

After a thorough examination, the doctor sighed, “Mr. Andersen, Mrs. Andersen is extremely weak, and our equipment here is limited. We must take her to the central hospital for further treatment.”

"Then let’s go!" Magnus commanded without looking up. His gaze was steadfast on Natalia as if shifting his eyes would make her disappear.


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