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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 184

Sophia spent the night in a total daze, hammered out of her mind. The jumbled mix of reality and memory made her feel particularly crummy, in both her head and her gut.

She's got a weak stomach and it doesn't take kindly to booze, so she spent half the night tossing her cookies.

She was practically running on empty, but thank goodness, between the hurling sessions, the alcohol did its magic and wiped bits of her memory clean.

She crashed hard and slept like a rock.

The next day, Sophia woke up with a wicked hangover that throbbed in her head.

She was sprawled out on the sofa all cattywampus, without even a blanket on, and the living room was a hot mess, with bottles lying around all skew-whiff on the coffee table.

She reeked of alcohol like nobody's business.

Going all out like that, her head was pounding like it was gonna split open, she was dizzy, groggy, and her body felt as heavy as if it was filled with lead. She might have caught a chill too.

Judging by the state of her, she must have bawled her eyes out last night;. Her throat was all scratchy, and her eyes were puffy and red. She looked a right mess.

Sophia struggled to get up, but had to plop back down because the room started spinning big time.

Luckily, the resort design had passed the final revision, set in stone, and all that was left was waiting for the project to kick off.

She didn't have any other projects on her plate for the moment.

Sophia rang up Don to call in sick.

It was Wednesday, and she figured she'd fly to Wye City over the weekend to fetch Theresa back, so she decided to take Thursday and Friday off too, making it a nice five-day break.

"What's up?" The moment Don heard Sophia wanted to take an extended leave, he got all antsy, "Something happen?"

"No, just feeling a bit under the weather. Been pushing it with the project lately and need a few days to chill," Sophia said.

"You okay, though?" Don could tell her voice was hoarse, "You gonna be alright by yourself? Want me to send Cindy over to take you to the hospital?"


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