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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 181

Elara rose to her feet and handed some tissues to Sexton. "Grandpa Sexton, you don't have to feel bad for me. You've watched me grow up and I've always been well taken care of, never slighted."

"Ah... you're right, kiddo. I’m not sad, not crying. Just old and my eyes are... leaky, that's all." Sexton fumbled with his handkerchief, trying to dry his tears, but they just kept coming.

If Yvette had truly forgotten her own child, even if Elara found her, she'd be faced with a mother who'd lost all memory of her past.

How much would that break Elara's heart? Why did this kid have to draw such a short straw in life?

Sexton heaved a deep sigh. "She was a Richardson. After Yvette's accident, I couldn't bring myself to face Lucian. And as you all know, Jacob was never cut out for business; he was always into his research. Yvette was like a junior colleague from his institute."

Sexton's face was filled with bitterness as he shook his head with several sighs. "As old buddies, crawled out of the trenches only to shuffle back towards the grave, the man I least dare to face is Lucian!"

Marcel frowned. "The Richardson girl? Now that you mention it, Elara does bear some resemblance to the girl in her younger days. Why the heck didn't you speak up about this before?"

Sexton let out a wry smile. "After Yvette left, Jacob always believed she was his wife, and I respected his decision. But with her gone, we couldn't very well knock on the Richardson's door asking for her hand in marriage, could we? Lucian would have my head! I was too ashamed to speak of it, so I kept quiet. Jacob's been carrying a heavy heart all these years. I'm not afraid to admit it, even if it makes me the butt of your jokes. Just a few years ago, that boy was on the brink of going after Yvette before I stopped him and sent him off to Emerald County, hoping a change of scenery and some work would distract him. I can't let my gray hair outlast his black hair, can I?

But the change did him good; he came back to life, and I was over the moon! Though Palmer's dad can be a bit of a fool, at least I've got Palmer. Jacob's all alone, with nothing to his name; I dread the day he might leave this world before me."

Sexton wiped his face dry. "The thought scared me! Last year, Jacob came back, talked my ear off at the hospital, even brought up Yvette, but he seemed alright, not upset, and I thought he'd moved on, but little did I know..."

Little did he know that it was then Jacob discovered Elara's DNA could be a match with his in Emerald County!

"Elara, my dear, I'm not asking you to forgive Jacob, nor am I asking you to come home, but please... don't hold it against him. His days have been hard too."

Silence fell upon the room for a moment.

Marcel let out a heavy sigh. "He's had it tough, but does that give him the right to mistreat our Elara? Both Noella and Elara are innocent. We, the Schnabels, never once thought of abandoning Elara. Sexton, look at Elara, such a fine young woman, the pride of our family! Even with his reasons, your son's gone too far. How could he deny such a wonderful child?"

Sexton managed a bitter smile. "He's afraid!"

Suddenly, Noella spoke up, "Grandpa Sexton, does Uncle Jacob suffer from depression?"

The last time Noella saw Jacob, she noticed he wasn't in the best of spirits, very much closed off inside.

Sexton nodded. "Yes, but he's been doing much better in the last couple of years. At least he's no longer seeking death or chasing after Yvette."

Freya looked at Sexton, who seemed to have aged significantly, and said with resignation, "You've had a rough time too!"

"Jacob scares me, and I fear for Palmer being alone when I'm gone. That's why I keep pushing him to marry, but the boy just won't listen!"

Palmer chuckled. "Grandpa, you come up with a different reason every time you bring up marriage. How can I take you seriously?"

Elara glanced around at her gathered family, realizing that if it weren't for her situation, they wouldn't all be here together.

She cleared her throat and spoke up confidently. "I've made up my mind! I'll acknowledge the Pollacks, but I am Elara Schnabel, always Elara Schnabel. Grandpa Sexton will be an extra grandpa who adores me, so I guess I'm winning here! As for him... I don't want to see him just yet, but I don't blame him."

Sexton looked at Elara, nodding relentlessly. "Eh, you decide. It's all up to you. You stick with the name Schnabel, a fine name indeed! Marcel, I owe you thanks for raising such a granddaughter."

Marcel snorted, his face softening a bit. "Of course she's wonderful; my granddaughters are the best! Just so you know, Elara's only being kind. She's still a Schnabel through and through."

"I know, and the Pollacks will provide for Elara whatever she needs. Whatever she chooses to do, both the Pollack and Schnabel families will be her home!"

Merrick muttered, "How did this become your win? I was hoping Elara might take on my last name one of these days, but you old coot got lucky."


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