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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 182

The manor's front door swung inward with a creak of old hinges.

A woman, draped in an elegant, floor-length evening gown and clutching a parasol, greeted them with a warm smile, her face exuding gentle calmness.

"Ms. Schnabel, since you've come all this way, why don't you and this young lady come in for a bit?"

Noella, gripping Elara's hand, nodded towards the woman. "Lavinia, this is my sister, Elara."

Lavinia wasn't in the best of health, rarely venturing out of the Richardson family estate. This was her first encounter with Elara.

Her gaze settled on Elara, taking in the poised figure standing before her. For some reason, Lavinia felt the girl looked vaguely familiar.

She beamed, "I've heard tell of another formidable Ms. Schnabel, a researcher despite her tender years. The rumors clearly don't do you justice. Please, come in. The house tends to be quite empty; it's rare we have guests."

Apart from the buzz during Lucian's birthday, the vast estate remained largely desolate.

Noella led Elara into the heart of the Richardson Manor.

"Then we'll be imposing on your hospitality, Lavinia."

"Think nothing of it. It's my pleasure, truly."

Lavinia ushered Noella and Elara across the manicured lawns of the garden, eventually reaching the drawing-room where she invited them to sit.

Her smile was especially warm, eyes shimmering, tiny laugh lines adding character to her visage.

"Ladies, what would you fancy? I'll have some afternoon tea sent over."

Elara found herself captivated by Lavinia's features, reminiscent of someone they both knew – Sienna, perhaps. Both bore the mark of scholarly breeding, an air of refined gentleness about them.

Noella spoke up, "Thank you. I have a fondness for honey cakes, and my sister here adores strawberry shortcake."

"I'm quite partial to strawberry shortcake myself. I'll fetch some right away."

Watching Lavinia retreat, Elara scooted her chair closer to Noella, the entire seat scraping along the floor.

"Noella, do you think she could be my mother?"

"The Richardson family only has the one daughter," Noella said, having done her research on the way over. Lucian had but a son and a daughter, the former an ambassador hardly ever in Imperial City.

"And she does look quite a bit like you," Noella added, almost understating the resemblance. From the moment she laid eyes on Lavinia, Noella felt an uncanny familiarity, an unforgettable blend of features and demeanor.

The similarities to Elara were striking!

But Elara, raised by the Schnabels, had a liveliness that Lavinia lacked.

Elara responded with her usual cool logic, "Without DNA evidence, it's just a theory. I need data before I draw any conclusions."

Years of research had honed her mind to trust only in empirical evidence, emotions trailing far behind in significance.

The sound of coughing and the whir of an electric wheelchair approached, and Lucian, in the driver's seat, sped over to them.

Elara was taken aback.

Returning with the afternoon tea, Lavinia scolded, "Dad! How many times have I told you not to zoom around so fast indoors? Have you not seen the news about those old gentlemen getting hospitalized doing just that?"

Lucian waved her off. "I'm well past my salad days; I won't be drag racing. Besides, I was excited to see Noella here!"

"You're aware of your age, yet you act like a child. You never make it easy, do you?"

Lucian covered his ears, feigning deafness, and navigated his wheelchair towards Noella.

"This is?" His eyes landed on Elara and suddenly froze.


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