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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 204

Palmer's fingers coaxed Noella's curtains aside. Leaning lazily against the balcony rail, his gaze swept over the potted blooms Sienna had chosen with care—a riot of color that celebrated the vigor of life.

The scent of flowers mingled with something odd, causing Noella to frown slightly.

"You..." she hesitated.

"Just missed you," Palmer said. "Saw you were busy, and I didn't want to intrude."

Clear weariness tinged his features, but a lazy curve softened the lines of his face. With the room's light swallowed by the heavy drapes, Palmer under the moon took on an alluring and mystical air.

Noella stepped toward him, pausing at the window's edge, "It seems that my fiancée has her own empire to run; I've got my hands full for a while, too. Pollack Group's got a slew of mergers on the table. Would you miss me if I didn't come around, my fiancée?"

The mountain of paperwork that came with Pollack Group's dealings justified Palmer's busyness.

"I'll... try." She said.

His smile deepened, "Good. Once this is all over, I've got a story for you."

"What story?"

"About the first time we met! You might've forgotten, but I remember every detail."

With a lingering gaze that seemed to caress her from afar, Palmer drew back his hand as if to touch her, then thought better of it.

"Sweet dreams." He swung himself from the balcony with a grace that belied his fatigue. His car purred to life in the shadows—he didn't return to the neighboring Dragon Tower.

One last look at Noella's rose-framed room, and his smile dropped into a mask of ice.

"Let's go." He said.

"Boss, aren't you gonna tell Ms. Noella where you're off to?"

"No need. If she cares, she'll worry without me saying a thing. If she doesn't, it's better she doesn't fret."

He wished for her a night free from concern—for her dreams to be as peaceful as the stars above.


Hospital, private room.

Yvonne, leaning on a cane, had finally found her way to Malvina's room before she slipped in while the nurses were distracted.

Gazing down at Malvina, her face twisted with derision, "Ever imagine you'd be here, Malvina? It's hilarious!"

Malvina put down the comic book she was reading, her gaze lifting to meet Yvonne's.

"Hilarious? How about you show some respect and kneel? I never took you for much, and it seems you're bent on proving me right."

Yvonne hadn't expected Malvina to mock her, not in this state! She scoffed, "You still think you're the high and mighty Gruber heiress? The Gruber fortune's gone, and here you are, bedridden—might even end up scarred. You're less than me now—I'm the real lady here!"

Malvina raised an eyebrow, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "Oh, a lady? So which nightclub's got you dancing on tables, my dear lady? Never seen a club desperate enough for a limping, sour-faced 'lady' like you."

Yvonne seethed, itching to slap Malvina silly. She remembered her purpose, so she was quelling the storm of anger and jealousy. Why should Malvina, even now, trample her dignity?

"Listen up, Malvina. Don't play games with me. Get ahold of Shadow Dragon Society and free my father! And whatever hidden assets the Gruber family has left—I'm a Gruber too, and you owe me a share!" Yvonne gritted her teeth.


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