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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 205

She was intrigued by the Schnabels instead!

Malvina never expected that her casual inquiries about the Schnabel family, combined with her polite interest in Ulrich's medical work, would lead him to believe she was fascinated by the field of medicine.

Did she really look like someone who could understand all those medical terms?

Luckily for her, a nurse poked her head in to summon the ever-chatty Ulrich, "Dr. Schnabel, there's an emergency patient!"

"I'm on it." Ulrich dashed off, and Malvina seized the moment to toss aside the stack of medical journals he'd handed her while taking a deep breath in relief.

Beside her was the shiny new smartphone Noella had given her, a perfect replacement for the one that had perished in the fire.

She had no idea how Noella had managed to restore everything from that old phone. If Malvina hadn't confirmed its demise herself, she would have suspected this was her original phone.

The Schnabels were truly a family of geniuses.

Nervously biting her nails, Malvina scrolled through the contacts in her phone and dialed Noella's number.

Noella had thought of everything—not only had she restored the phone's original content, but she had also saved several important numbers: her own, Elara's, and even Ulrich's.

"Hey, Noella, you up for hanging out?" she called and asked.

"I'll come pick you up." Noella answered.

"Perfect! I'll wait for you at the hospital entrance."

Half an hour later, Noella zoomed up to the hospital on her motorcycle, looking every inch the rebel in her black leather jacket.

Taking off her helmet, she shook out her tousled hair as her strands were dancing in the breeze.

Malvina hobbled over, swamped in an oversized coat that clearly belonged to Ulrich.

"Did you sneak out without telling Ulrich?" Noella asked.

"I did. He's busy with a patient who slit the wrist. And he'd worry if he knew I was out. But I need to check on something at South Flora Storage." Malvina was clearly fed up with Ulrich's lectures as a doctor.

Noella raised an eyebrow at Malvina's coat, recalling Ulrich wearing something similar recently. Without prying further, she gave Malvina a considerate look, "Let's take a cab. Riding a bike isn't the best idea with your injuries."

"Sounds good."

They arrived at South Flora Storage to find it a shadow of its former self. The aftermath of an explosion left only a few unstable structures standing surrounded by piles of police tapes.

Following the coordinates on her phone, Malvina found an underground bunker.

"Over here, Noella."

Noella eyed the bunker warily. Her assassin's instincts alerted her to the presence of others inside—they were members of the Shadow Dragon Society.

"I'll stay out here and wait for you." She said.

Malvina nodded and ducked into the entryway, vanishing from sight.

The Shadow Dragon Society had splintered years ago after the untimely demise of their former leader, with some following the Gruber family and others secretly protecting Malvina.

And those with the Grubers were either dead or in jail.

In less than ten minutes, Malvina reemerged with her eyes teary; she was also clutching a box.

"It's all gold bars... my mom left them for me. I'm rich now. With what I've saved, I won't have to work a day in my life! But..." Her mood dipped, eyes swimming with conflict and loss.

Noella saw through her dilemma, "You want to take them with you?"

"Yeah, they've always looked out for me. Without them, I wouldn't have survived the Grubers. But I don't know if I can..."

Malvina couldn't bear to see the Shadow Dragon Society, where her mother’s effort was laid in, disband.


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