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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 452

Dillon's eyes widened in shock. "Mr. Schnabel?"

"The one from Rising Glory Group, here specifically to see our young Miss. The matriarch insists you hurry to the parlor for the meeting!"

"Beckett Schnabel? I thought the Schnabels weren't coming?"

The butler replied, "Ms. Schnabel and Ulrich came along as well. The old lady’s overjoyed and wants you there too."

Luna covered her face and shrieked!

"Beckett! How can I show my face like this!"

Even though a real doctor had treated Luna's face, it was obviously too late to meet Beckett in this state!

Oriana's eyes flickered with mischief.

"Mr. Schnabel rarely makes a visit, and with Ulrich here, this is your chance to charm your way into the Schnabel family. Miss this, and you might not get another."

"Shut up! This is all your fault, you wretch! I'll kill you!"

Oriana laughed heartily. "Kill me, and you still won't have Mr. Schnabel! The Schnabel family would never take a disfigured bride!"

Oriana found immense joy in Luna's misfortune.

Why should someone from the Patel family be so high and mighty, trampling over her at will!

Their conversation was secretly relayed to Noella through an earring the doctor wore.

In the parlor, Noella frowned unhappily. "Beckett, Ms. Patel hasn’t shown up yet. Is she refusing to apologize?"

"Of course not."

Beckett's icy gaze fell on Pearl Patel sitting across, sharp and warning.

"Ms. Patel is most reasonable. She promised Luna would personally apologize, and she will."

Pearl’s expression soured.

That girl Luna, why hasn’t she come yet!

She’s about to tarnish the Patel family’s reputation completely!

"Go and hurry her along. Tell her if she doesn't come now, she need not bear the Patel name anymore!"

"Yes, ma'am."

Noella sipped her tea with visible distaste. "Beckett, this tea is awful. Is this really the Patel family’s way of treating us?"

"Noella, don’t be so rude."

Though Beckett spoke those words, his tone didn’t carry any blame.

"My apologies, my sister's been spoiled at home, very picky."

Pearl, having weathered many storms, calmly responded, "It’s our oversight in hospitality. Haven’t you heard? Bring Ms. Schnabel our finest tea!"

"Right away."

With the new tea served, Noella eyed the packaging and exclaimed, "Ulrich, this tea is indeed excellent. I saw it last in Grandfather’s study; he said it was exclusive and wouldn’t even share with me! The old lady is much more generous."

Ulrich Schnabel smiled knowingly.

"Naive girl, this tea is far superior to the one in Grandfather’s collection. Different batch, different value. The old lady’s tea cake comes at a six-figure price per ounce."

Pearl’s hands trembled while brewing the tea!

"You exaggerate, we're merely merchants, not comparable to Marcel’s tea."

After tasting the tea, Noella’s lips curved slightly, no longer picking faults.

Pearl, expecting more complaints, felt like punching cotton – no satisfaction.

The Schnabel family’s young lady was indeed extraordinary.

No wonder Luna was so agitated; in terms of tactics and depth, Luna couldn’t hold a candle to Ms. Schnabel.

The second butler stood outside Luna’s room.

"Miss, if you delay further, the old lady will be displeased."

Luna stamped her feet in frustration and burst into tears!

"Beckett, please help me..."

Dillon stroked his chin, "Doctor, let’s get Luna a bandage for her face and cover it up with some makeup for now."

Doctor Alkaid firmly declined.


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