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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 453

"Seriously, Pearl, what's with the clown makeup?"

"Go wash your face, now!"

Pearl's tone was sharp, unforgiving.

Today, Luna had thoroughly embarrassed her!

Luna's usually gentle demeanor was replaced with a stern expression.

Only Luna knew the bandages on her face couldn't be removed!

Panic surged through her as she tugged at Dillon's sleeve.

Noticing their interaction, Noella nudged Ulrich.

"Ulrich, they really have a strong bond, don't they?"

"Our family's just as tight. If anyone dares to mess with my little sister, they'll have us to deal with!"

"Same goes for anyone looking to harm my little brother."

Ulrich's gaze was fixed on Dillon as he spoke.

The incident on the cruise ship with the Schnabels and the Patels was still unresolved!

It wasn't a matter of if they'd settle scores, but when.

Dillon chuckled, "Grandma, Luna's just a young girl trying to look her best. Let her wash off her makeup after the guests leave. It's only polite."

Noella covered her mouth, giggling.

"That doesn't look like makeup to me. Luna, is your face having an allergic reaction? Maybe it's best to remove the makeup."

Luna was fuming.

She definitely did that on purpose!

Yet, it sounded like she was just looking out for her.

Pearl was starting to feel embarrassed.

"Luna, what's going on? Are you really having an allergic reaction? Maybe you should stop wearing makeup."

"Grandma, I'll remove it in a bit…"

Removing makeup in front of guests was indeed impolite, so Pearl didn't push further.

Ulrich, however, spoke up, "I'm a doctor, and Luna's face looks... off. Is that a hint of sulfur I'm smelling?"

Doctors were familiar with chemical substances.

Especially one as corrosive and pungent as sulfuric acid.

Luna's heavy perfume couldn't mask the scent of sulfuric acid.

"And it seems like concentrated sulfuric acid. Luna, has your makeup routine come to the point of needing facial reconstruction?"

Luna immediately denied it.

"No, no, it's just my perfume... it's expired."

She couldn't let her social circle find out there was something wrong with her face!

That would make her the laughingstock of the entire socialite scene!

Pearl frowned, "What's going on? Your perfume is replaced regularly. How could it expire? Come here, let me take a closer look."

As Luna approached, Pearl too caught the strange scent.

Noella mused, "Beckett, do you think Ms. Patel has ruined her face?"

If Luna had indeed ruined her face, it would be a loss for the Patel family.

Pearl had plans to make her a successor, but the Patel family relied on their high-society status, and Pearl, a renowned socialite, couldn't have a disfigured successor!

Pearl's gaze hardened.

"Tear it off, let me see!"

In a state of panic, Luna had no choice but to comply as the butlers held her arms and removed the bandages revealing her face, now completely marred by sulfuric acid burns.

Pearl was shocked!


Ulrich and Beckett hadn't expected Luna's face to be truly ruined.


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