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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47 

The Schnabel sons all gave Palmer the stink eye

This guy was here to swoop in on their sister

Why come to mooch off the Schnabels for breakfast when you’ve got food at home? What’s he playing at

Sienna was checking out Palmer like a motherinlaw sizing up a soninlaw, liking him more. the more she looked. She shot Tristan a look that could melt steel. You never bothered to join me for breakfast before, always too busy with work.Look at Palmer, see how sweet he is to Noella!” 

Tristan immediately turned on the charm, From now on, I’ll have breakfast with you every day. We can have whatever you fancy. The company and the kids can wait.” 

That’s more like it.” 

The rest of the Schnabel family all felt awkward watching their parentssudden show of 


They were all used to the couple’s PDA, pretending not to notice as they kept their heads down and focused on their food

A serene smile played on Palmer’s lips

I’ll join you for whatever you want to eat from now on


No need, I prefer skipping breakfast.” 

Noella wasn’t fibbing. Back at the Lambert place, Mr. and Mrs. Lambert never bothered with breakfast for her, claiming a bit of hunger was healthy for kids. Plus, with work being so hectic, she often forgot to eat in the mornings

Then I’ll make sure you don’t skip breakfast. The Pollack family chefs whip up a mean. breakfast. I’ll have them go to your place later.” 

Tristan was nearly moved to tears. Palmer, that’s really thoughtful of you., Noella really isn’t big on breakfasts. Appreciate you looking out for her.” 

It’s the least I can do. Taking care of Noella is my responsibility.” 

The smiles on the faces of the Schnabel sons were about to disappear

Palmer was definitely here to steal their sister, no doubt about it

Sienna turned to Noella, Honey, I’ve prepared some gifts for you to take to Sexton. We can’t show up emptyhanded on our first visit.” 

Got it.” 

Noella grabbed the gifts and hopped into Palmer’s ride


The stretch RollsRoyce gleamed in the sunlight, a limited edition luxury car worth a cool billion, not to mention the custom mods. To Noella, It screamed money.. 

Settling into the car. Noella spoke up, Riding in the old car must’ve been rough on you, Mr. Pollack.” 

Not at all I like it. It’s an honor to drive you. Also, I hope I can clear the air a bit.” 

Noella nodded nonchalantly. She didn’t care for his explanation, just like he never asked about her background. Fair’s fair

I wanted to tell you who I really am, but then I thought, I didn’t want our time together to be colored by anything else. I met Wise Fool as Vocalist, not as Palmer Pollack meeting Noella Schnabel 

So my gift, one for Ms. Schnabel, and one for you.” 

Noella remembered the words carved into the necklace box, a gift of the bright moon in his heart

Was he saying she was the moon in his heart

I hope you’re not mad, and even if you are, please don’t ignore me. AndPalmer paused, searching for the right words. You have no idea how thrilled I was to see you yesterday!” 

The girl he was into was his betrothed all along

Noella said, I blocked you because you were a chatterbox, distracting me from work.” 

Annie in the passenger seat was shocked. Years working with Palmer and she never thought she’d see the day someone would block him

Miss Noella is badass

So, after hearing me out, will you unblock me?” 

When did she say she needed his explanations


The RollsRoyce pulled up to the Imperial West Hospital. Palmer opened the door and with a slight bow, offered his hand to Noella. I’m glad you’re willing to come with me to visit my grandpa. My dear fiancée.” 

Noella took a deep breath, reminding herself that this was just how aristocratic families roll

Noella placed her hand in Palmer’s palm and stepped out of the car with him. His scent was a subtle sandalwood, warm like spring

Annie quickly snapped a photo to capture the moment Palmer and Noella held hands a match made in heaven from the back

Inside the hospital room, Sexton and Marcel were staring at the door


Chucher 47 

Marcel, how come they haven’t shown up yet?asked Sexton

You didn’t even bother with a birthday gift for my granddaughter yesterday, and now you’re fussing?” 

Sexton grumbled. Who said I didn’t prepare a gift? It’s for my future granddaughterinlaw! You think I’ll just hand it over?” 

Marcel snorted, his whiskers twitching. As if you’re one to talk! You’re just stingy!” 

Sexton was getting riled up

Stingy? What do I have left to hold onto in this lifetime? If only you had told me you had another granddaughter, and here I thought Yvonne was the only one!” 

Just thinking about Yvonne, always dolled up like she’s about to become an art exhibit, gave Sexton a headache

What’s wrong with Yvonne? I never said she was my granddaughter. I’ve got two, Elara and Noella, and the rest don’t count.” 

Sexton waved dismissively, clearly annoyed. I don’t care about the twists and turns in your family. With all the mess you made when you were younger, you’re getting what’s coming to you! As for Yvonne, as long as you know what’s what, it’s a good thing she’s not my granddaughter!” 

Marcel chuckled with an air of dignified authority, the vibe of someone who’s used to being on 


Who isn’t tangled up in their own mess? As long as you have a clear conscience! Yvonne’s not bad at heart. She’s fine just sitting quietly by her grandma’s side.” 

Marcel always turned a blind eye to the stuff Yvonne was up to, mainly cause of Ashlyn. At the end of the day, they’ve been married for years, and there are lines he just doesn’t want to, and 

can’t, cross


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