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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 48

Chapter 48 

Sexton was over the moon! Last time he heard Yvonne claiming she was his savior, he was so 

bummed out

Thought his peepers were failing him and he got it all twisted, but he vividly remembered being rescued by a knockout, not that plain girl Yvonne

He asked Marcel, but that old coot played dumb and wouldn’t spill the beans

If it weren’t for the live TV broadcast he caught yesterday, revealing that Noella was actually the Schnabel family’s daughter and even had the first dance with his grandson, he’d still be in 

the dark

That old fox Marcel, too crafty for his own good

Noella, I didn’t get you a birthday present yesterday, but I’ve had your gift ready for a while now, all set to give to you!” 

Sexton, all mysteriouslike, whipped out a box and handed it over to Noella

Marcel shocked, blurted out, Sexton, isn’t that the jewelry your wife got when you two got married? Are you really giving away your nest egg?” 

Buzz off, you old buzzard! Can’t you say anything nice? We had this pact in our family, a gift for each granddaughterinlaw! I thought I’d never get the chance to give away this last one, but thank God… 

Sexton’s eyes 

eyes brimmed with kindness as his weathered hands caressed Noella and Palmer’s. drawing them together for a gentle pat

Open it up, see if you like what I got you!” 

Noella, meeting Palmer’s equally eager gaze, went with the flow and cracked open the wooden 


A set of topnotch diamond jewels caught her eye, each piece flawless. And Noella, having seen her fair share of gems, could tell this set was worth a small fortune

It’s too precious. I can’t accept this.” 

Sexton clutched his chest, putting on an act like he was about to kick the bucket any second

Marcel, I think I saw our old friends” 

Marcel teased, They probably don’t want to see you at all.” 

My heartit achesPalmer, you better stick to the will I wrote earlier” 

Noella quickly piped up, I’ll keep it, but it’s too valuable. I’ll just hold onto it for now and give it back to you later.” 

Instantly, Sexton was good as new, peppy enough to sprint up five flights of stairs on the spot




Once I’m gone, that’s yours to keep. There’s no giving it back! if word got out that the Pollacks take back their welcome gifts, how am I supposed to face people?” 

Marcel chuckled, In a few years you won’t be among the living anyway, just a ghost.” 

Go ahead and make me madl Humph! This wonderful granddaughter of yours is becoming part of my family! I’ll let you win this time 

The two old timers were used to squabbling; it was just a game of who could act more childish. Noella, holding the diamond set, felt a headache coming on

Palmer whispered, If it’s bothering you, just tuck it away for now. The set’s a bit mature because Grandpa always figured I’d settle down in my forties or fifties. Then it’d suit my wife just fine.” 

Noella shot him a look, meaning to have him take it back, but unexpectedly found herself lost in his warm, smiling eyes, full of emotions she couldn’t quite grasp

You’d look better with the necklace I gave you yesterday. Why aren’t you wearing it today?” 

I don’t like wearing Jewelry.” 

Heading out usually meant offing someone or taking on risky missions. Jewelry would only get in the way

Wear it when you’re not on a mission. It suits you!” 

At the birthday party, all the jewelry she wore seemed tailormade, turning her into a dazzling, starlike presence

Noella gave him a peculiar look. What did her wearing Jewelry have to do with him

Grandpa Sexton, let me give you a checkup.” 

Eh, eh, sure thing, come on over, girl. I trust your medical skills! Even Professor Calvin said I’ve been recovering well!” 

Seeing Noella so concerned about Sexton, Marcel Jealously muttered, Humph, she’s still my granddaughter. I’m sick too, and I need a checkup!” 

Noella smiled helplessly

With one hand on Marcel’s wrist and the other on Sexton’s, she began taking their pulses simultaneously

Palmer’s eyes shone with admiration

The legendary Phantom Surgeon Lunaris could check the pulse of ten people at once, rapidly diagnosing each condition and making quick decisions to snatch lives back from the Grim Reaper

Noella’s fingers delicate and fair rocted an thair aulene 


like a painting come to life

Grandpa, you stayed up too late last night. Do it again, and I’ll confiscate your comics

Grandpa Sexton, you’ve been up late too, and you’ve been getting mad a lot lately. That’s not good for your health.” 

Marcel quickly hid his comics under the blankets and sald, No, no, no! You got thern for me, so. you can’t take them away!” 

If you stay up past three, you can kiss them goodbye.” 

Marcel looked downcast, scolded by his granddaughter

Alright, alright, you’re scarier than any of your brothers. Even Ulrich wasn’t this harsh when he checked up on me.” 


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