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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51 

Lily explained, Miss Noella is here for an experiment, not to visit Mr. Schnabel” 


How old is this young girl? Does she even understand medicine? Know what a medical experiment is

Noella looked past everyone’s stares and said, I’ve got someone joining me, hope that’s cool with you guys?” 

Everybody was shocked

Noella, do you think you’re on a picnic or something? Even if you are Mr. Schnabel’s sister, you can’t just disrespect science like that!” 

Lily was in a bit of a bind too Mr. Schnabel hadn’t mentioned Noella was bringing someone 


Miss Noella, our lab has some pretty strict standards, and it might not be convenient for your friend to come in.” 

No worries, they should have an access pass

The group of doctors exchanged puzzled looks

What does this Noella think our lab is, a freeforall? Does she think anyone can waltz in just 

like that

Like a bolt of lightning. Calvin zipped in from outside, worried sick about missing out on Noella’s experiment

Noella, I’m here, I’m here! You haven’t started yet, have you? I haven’t missed it, right? I don’t care! Even if you’ve started, you gotta let me in on it!” 

You’d be late if you were any slower. Come on in, but you can only be my assistant.” 

Calvin nodded so hard you’d think his head would fall off. Being an assistant is awesome! I’d be down to be your cheerleader just to see you experiment!” 

Noella didn’t need a cheerleader for her experiment

Calvin followed Noella into Ulrich’s lab, and the doctors were about to lose it! 

This was Professor Calvin! Anyone in the medical research field would recognize him! And he’s so stoked about being an assistant to a high schooler

The doctors who were looking down on Noella earlier were freaking out, rushing to ask Lily, Lily, what’s the deal with Noella? How come we’ve never heard of the young lady having any scientific achievements before.” 

She’s Mr. Schnabel’s own sister, so could she be a genius like him? No way! We’ve gotta see 


Chapter 51 

this for ourselves!” 

Determined, the group of doctors all followed into the lab

Miss Schnabel, can we watch your experiment?” 

Noella nodded, Sure, as long as you don’t disturb me.” 

Ulrich’s lab staff were all his trusted soldiers; Noella didn’t mind them watching

Microscope, planar cutting of pills, make a hundred control samples.” 

Dissolve the reagent, to the centrifuge.” 

Use IHC, get the medical microscope.” 

Calvin immediately started moving according to Noella’s instructions, totally unpretentious, and Lily, seeing him swamped, spontaneously joined in to assist Noella

The group of doctors went from disbelief to amazement

Noella was actually legit at conducting experiments, and the samples she was experimenting on were Nourishment Pills from the black market, worth millions

Noella’s eyes were clear and focused as she turned to the dumbstruck doctors

Excuse me, anyone good at recording data?” 

Me! I’d be honored to assist you!” 

I need three hundred sets of sample slides.” 

Me! My slides are especially neat!” 

Noella picked over a dozen doctors to join her experiment, and those chosen were as thrilled as if they’d just published ten papers in a row

Two hours later

Noella, holding the report in her hand, slightly frowned. So it is, my hunch was right.” 

Calvin looked at the string of data, utterly shocked

Who would’ve thought that besides the miracle herb, Paeonol Grass, there would be Mirage Grass in the Nourishment Pill!” 

Mirage Grass, notorious on the black market as a hallucinogenic, also a banned substance. Overuse of Mirage Grass causes dependency and can render patients delirious. What’s special is that when patients are delirious for a long time, their mental state becomes chaotic, and no matter who speaks to them, they’ll think it’s their own consciousness talking

On the deep web, Mirage Grass is known as a brainwashing tool, and many organizations inject their members with it to maintain control


Chapter 51 

These Nourishment Pills vary in the content of Mirage Grass, which is quite minimal, not noticeable in early stages.” 

This is like a slow poison, Isn’t it? This stuff can’t be absorbed by the body and affects the nervous system. Longterm use leads to brain death!” 

The Nourishment Pills Noella got had very low levels of Mirage Grass. If it weren’t for Sexton’s medication clashing with Paeonol Grass, no one would’ve noticed he was taking Nourishment


Grandma Ashlyn’s Nourishment Pills have the highest content of Mirage Grass.” 

Calvin’s face grew serious too

Longterm use of Nourishment Pills leads to addiction to Mirage Grass, Increasing the craving for it

Meaning, Ashlyn’s been popping Nourishment Pills for quite some time

Noella picked up the report, signaling Calvin to sign it

Calvin was confused and looked at Noella

What are you looking at me for? This is highlevel drug analysis; what’s up with you signing. it?” 

This isn’t her lab after all, and the report needs to be kept on file

But you did the experiment, and I’m just the assistant!” 

I’m not certified.” 

Medical experiments require a license from the Harmonia Country Pharmaceutical Research Institute, and Noella, finding it a hassle, never got around to it, so technically, she’s been winging it without a license

Calvin got the picture!She invited him to the experiment not for a scholarly debate, but to take the fall for her

After all, this is the Nourishment Pill. Calvin could already foresee the Institute calling him up in a few days with questions

She was not leaving any trouble for herself, was she

Why don’t you let your brother sign it?” 

How could I leave such a hassle for my own family? Sign it, or don’t bother coming to my next experiment.” 

Calvin just flamboyantly signed his name for the lead experimenter

Let’s hit the road. Could you give Ulrich the headsup that I’ve got some stuff to take care of? Hand him a copy of the lab report.” 


Chapter 51 

Lily’s totally in awe of this highmaintenance galflat out worshiping the ground she walks on

Sure thing! Don’t be a stranger, missy! Our lab’s gear is topnotch in the nation! Don’t even think about stepping foot in Professor Calvin’s lab!” 

Calvin was like, hello? I’m still standing right here! Is it really cool to diss my lab like that

Stepping out of Ulrich’s lab, Noella’s eyes land on the man standing by the road


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