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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 50

Chapter 50 

Marcel snorted coldly

Where did you get the money to buy such pricey stuff? And who did you buy it from?” 

Yvonne hemmed and hawed, Just some medicine dealers sold it to me for a hundred grand a pop. Grandma’s been feeling way better after taking the Nourishment Pill, so I got it for Grandpa Sexton tool It cost me a pretty penny of my pocket money! Grandpa, I really wanted Grandpa Sexton to get better. How could there be anything wrong with the Nourishment Pill?” 

The Pollack family’s lawyers will be coming for you. Tell me everything you know, and cough up those dealerscontact info, or the Schnabel family can’t save you!” 

Yvonne quickly agreed

How could the Nourishment Pill be a problem

After hanging up, Marcel frowned and said, With this girl’s smarts, she couldn’t have pulled this off alone. I’ll leave the rest to you guys. Noella, don’t worry, no matter what you find, Grandpa’s got your back.” 

Okay, Grandpa.” 

Stepping out of the hospital, Noella furrowed her brows as she looked at her hand, still intertwined with Palmer’s

Can you let go?” 

or was to 

Holding hands reassure Marcel and Sexton, but why the heck are we still hand in hand

Palmer’s face, however, was all smiles

Last time I let go of your hand, I regretted it, but back then I didn’t know you were my fiancée, so I didn’t dare to overstep. If I had known, I wouldn’t have let go.” 

Noella was like, is he talking about that time we ran into Vincent

Let go.” 


Noella frowned lightly and said, Don’t make me thump you.” 

If my fiancée fancies a sparring session right here at the hospital entrance, I’m all in, but the grandpas are watching us. Besides, I’d prefer to spar somewhere more fitting, any way your 


Noella was speechless. Why do I get the feeling this guy’s words have layers of meaning

Turning her head, she indeed saw the two old men braving the wind, heads out the window. watching them. Two huddled together, faces beaming with loving smiles

#ta brawl between them broke out now at the hospital entrance, the old gents would probably be scared straight into the ICU

Palmer gallantly opened the car door for her. Where to? I’ll drop you off.” 

Noella thought for a moment and said. To Utrich’s lab, I need to borrow some of his lab equipment

Ulrich’s lab boasted some of the world’s most advanced equipment, capable of getting results. in a jiffy with 98.9% precision

Don’t you have your own lab?” 

Phantom Surgeon Lunaris certainly had her own lab; the meds she developed for Marcel were all her own work

Yeah, but my lab’s not as uptosnuff as Ulrich’s, precision’s at 98.5%.” 

She hadn’t gotten around to updating her equipment, plus a new set cost an arm and a leg and needed a bunch of procedures to get approved

I’ll send it over as a gift. Just give me an address. If you don’t want me to know where your lab is, you can have your people pick it up from the Pollack Group.” 

The precision she needed for her lab equipment was skyhigh, and a set would probably cost a small fortune. He was offering it just like that

Because your consultation fee and the ongoing cost of the meds for my grandpa isn’t expensive

I have a few international caregivers on hand, trustworthy but pricey.” 

Price isn’t an issue: the Pollack family is loaded

Thanks, Noella. I really owe you one this time! Otherwise, I wouldn’t know how to face Grandpa!” 

It’s no sweat. I’ll send you the address. Just drop me off at Ulrich’s today.” 

A hint of regret flashed in Palmer’s eyes

The Pollack Group really couldn’t hold a candle to the Schnabel family in the medical field. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have to go to Ulrich for a lab

Annie was driving, visibly excited

Miss Noella said she’d send Palmer her address, which means she doesn’t mind him knowing where her lab is! What does that mean? It means the boss will have plenty of chances to pick up and drop off Miss Noella from work. And when they’re both free, they could even go for a romantic candlelit dinner

And Annie wouldn’t have to work overtime anymore

Ulrich, having received Noella’s call, was already waiting at the lab’s entrance


Thanks, Mr. Pollack, for bringing Noelia over. Next time, just call me for a ride

Pamer smited politely and said. Dropping off my lancée is my duty, no need for formalities, r come later to pick Noelia up for dinner, you joining?” 

Urich’s gaze at Palmer was complicated, as if he’d swallowed a fly

Oh sure 

What are they competing for

rich, let’s go in,said Noella.. 


Palmer watched the siblings disappear into the lab before turning away, Annie, dig into Yvonne’s entire network, I want to know where every single Nourishment Pill in her hands came from.” 

Yes. Mr. Pollack. Do you think Yvonne is clueless about these things?” 

Palmer sneered, his thin lips curling into a mocking smile

She’s a blockhead, but that doesn’t mean her backers are. A Nourishment Pill that goes for a million a pop is usually difficult to sell. If Yvonne’s got so many, it just means she doesn’t know. what she’s dealing with!” 

With Yvonne’s smarts, chances were she thought the Nourishment Pill had some other effects. and that’s why she fed them to the old folks

Annie was also aware of the gravity of the situation. Although Sexton didn’t voice any blame in the hospital room, Mr. Pollack was actually feeling quite guilty


Meanwhile, in Ulrich’s lab

Noella, I got the lowdown on what you were talking about, and I’ve got all the lab gear ready to roll. But I’ve got a surgery lined up in a bit, so you’ll have to hang tight.” 


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