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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 58

Chapter 58 

The moment she thought of it, Yvonne started to freak out

Listen here, don’t you go messing around. Do you have any idea who I am? Do you know who my grandpa is? I’m from the Schnabel family, for crying out loud!” 

Ms. Schnabel? What a coincidence, I was actually looking for a Ms. Schnabel. Since you took. on my order, you should play by the rules, right?” 

Yvonne was totally lost. Order? What order

She had been strapped for cash lately and hadn’t hit the card tables in ages. There couldn’t possibly be an order, could there

The driver’s voice turned fierce, and his arm, bulging with veins, sported a tattoo of a mountain peak. The scar on his face made him look all the more ferocious

The order from Thorpe. If you’ve taken it on, then you have to come with me whether you’re the Phantom Surgeon Lunaris or not!” 

Yvonne was like, What” 

What was he on about with this Phantom Surgeon Lunaris business? Was he talking about that billiondollar order from the deep web

She wanted to say something else, but then she got clonked on the back of her head and blacked out, eyes rolling back

The unlicensed cab quietly pulled away, disappearing into the night

The Lambert Mansion, Tranquility City 

Vincent slammed the surveillance report on the table, his beard practically trembling with rage. Briony, tell me what the heck is going on? How many of our family’s orders have you shown to the Rosenberg family?” 

Not that many, Daddy. I didn’t have much choice. Milford said he’d dump me if I didn’t show him, and he said it’s all in the family anyway, right? Once we’re married, we’re all one big happy family, aren’t we?” 

Belinda also stepped in to calm Vincent down, Exactly, honey. Besides, our family’s business doesn’t even overlap with the Rosenberg family’s. It’s probably all just a coincidence. And when Briony marries into their family, we’ll be able to peek at the Rosenberg family’s contracts too, right?” 

Vincent was like, well, when you put it that way… 

Even though the Rosenberg family’s business wasn’t doing too hot lately, they were still doing 

Chapter 58 

better than the Lambert family by a long shot. Plus, Milford was definitely a standup guy: otherwise, he wouldn’t have helped fix up the Lambert ancestral home

Alright, no more of this, but if you can, try to get a look at the Rosenberg family’s contracts for your old man.” 

Seeing Vincent wasn’t pressing further, Briony quickly agreed, Once I’m married, I’ll let your know everything. Daddy. Milford is good to me; he won’t keep secrets from you.” 

Vincent nodded, his mind returning to the Lambert family’s recent business woes. He had splurged on a feast for the four big bosses, and not a single one showed up. He ended up eating all the food himself, and even got the runs for days because the ingredients weren’t fresh

Briony remembered seeing a poster of Noella around the university town, bit her lip, and voiced her thought

Daddy, I think I saw that Noella is about to make her debut. Not sure if she’s acting or singing. I never heard about Noella having any talent for that sort of thing. It’d be bad news if she’s planning to star in those notsoclassy films.” 

Vincent got ticked off at the mention of Noella

That ungrateful girl! She had managed to cozy up to Jasper and when he asked for a simple. introduction, she had the nerve to block him

What an ingrate

Who cares about her? She’s cut ties with the Lambert family anyway. Briony, you’re a lady of a reputable house, so don’t you go following in her footsteps; all she’s got are bad habits.” 

I know, Daddy. Aren’t we being sued by East Sea Culture Company? Why don’t I debut? I want to help the family too.” 

With her beauty and talents, she was sure to do better than Noella once she debuted. And once she married into the Rosenberg family, they wouldn’t dare look down on her as someone raised by a nanny

Vincent shot that idea down immediately

No way, my girl’s my pride and joy. Go be an actress? What nonsense! A girl’s place is at home. taking care of her husband and children. The idea of you flaunting yourself in public is just unseemly. You’d do better sweettalking Milford into marrying you sooner and discussing the dowry with the Rosenberg family.” 

The most important thing was that Briony didn’t have any real skills; she wouldn’t even qualify as a sexy lamp if she debuted

Vincent had it all figured out. When a family like theirs marries off a daughter, the wedding gift from the bridegroom can’t be less than two or three hundred million. That money would come in handy to settle his company’s claims

Chapter 50 

Briony felt a bit wronged. Why could Noella do things that she was barred from? If she debuted, she’d totally outshine Noella

Enough of that. Once I’ve sorted all this out, I’ll prepare a generous wedding gift for you.” 

He was thinking his daughter’s wedding gift ought to be at least five million, but the Lambert family just didn’t have that kind of cash right now

Briony’s mind raced and said, I heard from Milford that the CEO of Pollack Group has been visiting Imperial West Hospital every day. Maybe we should try our luck?” 

You mean Palmer from the Pollack Group? Is he sick or something, that he’s going for checks every day? That’s a big shot you don’t see every day.” 

If they could cozy up to the Pollack Group, Vincent wouldn’t have to worry about doing business 


Forget about the Rosenberg family giving him the cold shoulder; he’d be able to kick them to the curb and find an even better match for his family

Get things sorted, and we’re heading to Imperial City tomorrow!” 

Got it.” 

Vincent was all giddy as he made the arrangements, then his secretary rang in

Mr. Lambert, someone’s offering three million to buy the Lambert family’s old house in Linefort City.” 

Who? That place is ancient. I haven’t set foot in there for over twenty years. Who’d want that old dump?” 

Some local, said they’re fond of the osmanthus tree in the yard. If you’re not keen on selling, I’ll just turn them down.” 

Vincent shot up from the couch right away

Of course I am! That old shack’s market value is barely two hundred thousand tops, and now someone’s willing to pay that much for it? No one’s living there, might as well sell it!” 

He had no attachment to that old house. And why should he? Isn’t the villa he’s living in now swanky enough? Why hang onto some rickety old place! Now that someone’s playing the fool with three million, he’s obviously going to cash in

Tell them yes, and see if you can hike up the price. Even if it doesn’t go up, three million will do.” 


CEO’s office of Rising Glory Group

What did you say? Vincent wants five million? Where does he get the nerve!” 


Chapter 58 

The secretary was at a loss for words too. Beckett was willing to shell out three million, all for the sake of returning the favor for old Mrs. Lambert’s affection towards Noella. How could Vincent have the cheek to suddenly jack up the price

. Sitting on the sofa, Noella chimed in with a hint of indifference. Probably it’s the secretary’s own idea, trying to pocket a cool two million. Get straight to Vincent. Tell him our initial offer was five million, but now we’re only putting down one million. Take it or leave it.” 


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