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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 59

Chapter 59 

Palmer’s voice sounded a bit whiny

Over at the Pollack Group, things were crazy busy, plus he’d been oncall like a fulltime chauffeur for someone recently, racking up a backlog of work

Now Noella wouldn’t even spare him the time for a meal. What, was he less charming than Thorpe or something

I wanna see you. Is that cool?” 

The voice was so woeful it tugged at Noella’s heartstrings. Noella couldn’t help but twitch a smile and cave in

Alright, but I’ve got stuff to do in a bit.” 

Just text me the address, and I’ll pick you up.” 

Noella grunted an acknowledgment and hung up

Beckett looked up from a mountain of papers, casually asking, Palmer?” 

Yeah, he wants to grab dinner tonight.” 


Beckett didn’t say much, just slid a bank card over to Noella. The black and gold card screamed lowkey luxury, with the Rising Glory Bank logo catching the eye

Why are you giving me money?” 

Schnabel family dinners always involve give and take. Even if you’re engaged to Palmer, your gotta stay in the driver’s seat, get it?” 

Beckett wasn’t thrilled about Noella hanging out alone with Palmer, but she’d already agreed, and he wasn’t about to cook up a reason to keep his sister tied down

Schnabel girls can play the game and handle a loss. No matter how tough the Pollack family is, if the Schnabels aren’t keen on a wedding, tough luck for them. Hang out with Palmer without any pressure. If you’re over it, just shoot me a text and I’ll sort out the breakoff with the Pollacks in no time!” 

Noella was flabbergasted. Calling off an engagement with a text

She was gobsmacked

Beckett chuckled a bit sheepishly, the picture of elegance and gentleness

I’ve been doing some highend client research lately, occupational hazard. Let’s keep it our little secret. Take the money, and if it’s not enough, I’ll transfer more.” 

Thanks, Beckett.” 

Chapter 59 

CEO’s Office of East Sea Culture Company 

Alkaid, clad in a tailormade Azure suit, stood before Noella, reporting on recent work

Boss, Yvonne got snatched by Thorpe, and might even skip the country. Should we tip off the Schnabels?” 


The Schnabels, with their sharp senses, would catch on to Yvonne’s situation soon enough. Dropping them a hint at the right time was all that was needed

We almost had Thorpe’s location pinned, then those Abyssal Organization goons beat us to the punch! They even said you should go ask their big boss directly. That Abyssal Organization is playing dirty, I swear. Boss, you better not go!” 

Noella deadpanned, I’ve got dinner plans with Abyssal’s head honcho tonight.” 

Alkaid was floored! He turned and clung to Ivan behind him, the two weeping in each other’s arms, bawling their eyes out

Our boss is too noble, already got a fiancé and still sacrificing her charm for the sake of the organization. Boss, what if Abyssal’s leader is a pervert, what then?” 

Ivan smacked him on the head, correcting. Are you daft? If it’s a pervert, it’s perfect bait for the boss. With those killer looks, what can’t the boss do? Boss, you can’t tell your clueless fiancé. I heard he just splurged on new lab equipment!” 

Could it be, boss, you’re actually keeping the Pollack CEO as a backup? Oh man, this is too thrilling! Who are we gonna end up marrying off to?” 

Noella was at her wit’s end sometimes dealing with these quirky geniuses

Add two more sets to tonight’s experiments. No sleep until they’re done.” 

The two cried even harder. What kind of heartless boss was this

Vincent’s been calling nonstop. I haven’t picked up, even blocked him.” 

Yeah, don’t bother.” 

Now that the Lambert family had publicly disowned her and decided to move old Mrs. Lambert’s grave, with the Lambert ancestral home transferred, she had nothing to do with the Lambert family anymore

Outside the office, Briony was all dolled up and jittery. She finally managed to get the East Sea Culture Company boss’s number from Vincent’s contacts, convinced that if the East Sea boss took a shine to her, she could still make her debut

Briony was super confident in her looks, but the security guard at the door wouldn’t budge

Please, let me in. I really need to see Mr. Alkaid. I’m begging you.” 


The guard remained stonylaced at the entrance. You can call Mr. Alkaid directly. If he says okay, then you can come in.” 

Briony was nearly at her witsend! Did she not want to call Mr. Alkaid? The problem was he . didn’t even pick up unknown calls, straight up blocked her

I’m here for a job interview. I promise I’ll be a hit if I join your company.” 

The guard almost laughed, giving Briony the onceover. Lady, what we don’t lack here are pretty faces and confidence. Your looks don’t cut it at our company!” 

He pointed to the rolling ads on the big screen by the door. See, you gotta at least be a stunner like Miss Noella to turn heads!” 

The Schnabel family had bought out all the mall screens to celebrate Noella’s birthday, and even the former Polaris Star Lab was plastered with birthday posters of her. Seeing their boss’s face at work, everyone felt an extra kick of motivation for the day

When Noella walked in, she was pretty speechless. But Alkaid was like, Who cares, as long as it’s not hanging at the entrance of the Lunar Lab, we’re all good.If Noella hadn’t put her foot down, they would’ve plastered her poster on the latest satellite and sent their boss on a cosmic joyride…. 

Briony couldn’t believe she was getting shown up by Noella’s face at East Sea Culture Company of all places

Grinding her teeth, she muttered resentfully, She’s had work done! She didn’t look anything like this before.” 

The office door swung open, revealing a pair of shapely, long legs with delicate high heels clicking on the floor like a princess waltzing into the room

The girl had a face that was both alluring and refined, with eyes like tranquil pools, cool and boundless yet brimming with emotion. Her presence was so ethereal it felt almost sacrilegious to disturb her

Catching sight of that face, Briony quickly covered her mouth. She hadn’t been overheard, had 


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