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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 

Alkaid and Ivan were only so eager to see Noella off because they wanted to get a gander at what the big cheese of the Abyssal Organization looked like

But they got just a glimpse of the hoitytolty Palmer sitting in the car

When Palmer gave them the eye. Alkald and Ivan felt like they were under attack by that sharp hawklike stare, full of scrutiny and wariness, as he watched them holding Noella’s hand

Holy moly, the CEO of the Pollack Group was seriously intimidating


Alkaid whispered, What do you reckon, could the Pollack Group’s CEO be that Vocalist from the Abyssal Organization?” 

Do you even have to ask? With the way he was looking at us, he was practically shooting daggers.” 

Dude, I thought Noella was playing the field! The Pollack Group with all their riches, probably offing people for fun when they’re bored, huh? Gee, I didn’t expect that our gang would be getting hitched with the Abyssal Organization even now!” 

Ivan rolled his eyes. Our boss ain’t any better. What if she tricked or snatched that Vocalist, huh?” 

You might be onto something.” 

The two exchanged glances, watching the Porsche Cayenne’s exhaust fumes fade into the distance, lost for words

Inside the latest model Cayenne, Palmer handed Noella a cup of water, and gently touched her 


Thank goodness, not too cold. She hasn’t frozen

Noella felt weird and thought, I’m not a toddler; how would I let myself get cold?” 

It’s been days, but only now did I realize that I could actually miss someone this much,said Palmer

Annie, sitting in the passenger seat, was shivering with goosebumps

The old Mr. Pollack, Sexton Pollack, was worried Palmer didn’t know how to romance, but with that smooth talk, it was more like worrying whether Noella could handle it

Palmer watched Noella sipping water with a smile growing deeper

Noella capped the cup and glanced at Palmer with a coquettish look, murmuring, You always this straightforward?” 

really. I used to hate showing emotions as a kid. So after my mom passed away, I’ve been full of regret. If I’d expressed my feelings more when she was alive, she’d have known how 



much I loved her.” 

There was a faint melancholy in Palmer’s voice, a hint of sorrow in his handsome and stern features, his smile turning bittersweet

Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.” 

No worries, everything I say to you comes straight from the heart. If you don’t like it. I’ll learn to change. Just give me some time.His voice was deep and magnetic, enough to make anyone’s ears tingle

Annie shuddered, thinking how on earth was Miss Noella going to turn down her boss now

Sure enough. Noella simply stated, No need to change.” 

Palmer’s face lit up with joy and asked, So, do you like hearing me talk like this?” 

How had Noella never noticed him being such a brownnoser before

Annie silently pulled out earplugs from her bag and put them on with practiced ease. maintaining the professionalism expected of a toplevel assistant

What do you fancy eating? Got any plans for tonight?” 

Noella shook her head

Anything’s fine.” 

Beckett knew she was going out for dinner with Palmer, and the Schnabel family wouldn’t wait for her. Tristan and Sienna were probably thrilled to have Noella and Palmer stick together all day, under the guise of fostering a relationship

Then let’s grab dinner first, and afterwards, I want to take you somewhere.” 

“Where to?” 

You’ll find out when we get there. Let’s keep some mystery, shall we? Heard you went to MediCore University today with your brother. Thinking of studying there?” 

Noella wasn’t surprised that Palmer knew her whereabouts; she had turned a blind eye to the Pollack Group personnel lurking around corners

Don’t you want me to?” 

Palmer held her hand, warming it in his, a feeling that always brought him comfort, as if all the fatigue and the sickening backstabbing just washed away

It’s not what I mean. Medical studies are tough, and you’d be in the lab most of the time. I’d think you’d prefer to keep some time for yourself, for other things.” 

Noella certainly wouldn’t just abandon her own organization. To have time for taking on jobs, she couldn’t schedule all her time at school

In the past, her time was divided between old Mrs. Lambert and missions; now, she had to 

share it with the Schnabel family and Palmer. For the first time, Noella felt like there weren’t enough hours in the day

Yeah, I’ll think about it.” 

Palmer smiled, his handsome face glowing, almost dazzling. If Noella studied medicine, she’d hardly have time for him, and that would mean less time together no way that could happen

Besides, with Noella’s talent, she didn’t need to waste time at university

Your grandpa Sexton’s medicine is all arranged; it’ll be delivered tomorrow.” 

Thanks! I’ll come to pick you up.” 

On the bund in Imperial City, the rippling river reflected the palatial restaurant on the roadside. where the piano music inside was melodious and lingering

Palmer pulled out a chair for Noella, a perfect gentleman, and only sat down opposite her after making sure she was comfortably seated

What’s the deal with Yvonne?” 

Simple. She was tempted by the amount of money Thorpe offered, so she took a job under Lunarisname, and got taken away by Thorpe. She should be at the port by now.” 

Noella frowned slightly. Yvonne was, after all, still with the Schnabel family. If she was indeed taken out of the country by Thorpe, it would bring some trouble to the family

Palmer poured her a glass of wine, his affectionate gaze on her face, always feeling at peace whenever he saw her

Don’t worry, he ain’t going anywhere. Grandpa Marcel’s got a special status. If anyone from the Schnabel family tries to make a run for the border, it’ll definitely set off alarm bells.” 

You got people set up at the port?” 

Palmer swirled the liquid in his glass, chuckling with a knowing smirk

Didn’t you take care of it too? Great minds think alike, eh? You and I are really in sync.” 


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