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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 79

Chapter 79 

The moment Merrick laid eyes on Noella, he knew exactly how he’d pen his new masterpiece

The old man felt like his longdormant writer’s heart had been reeled back in, and his creative block was smashed to smithereens

Sienna was pretty flabbergasted too. Dad, how many years has it been since you’ve written a book? I remember that you said you were gonna take a breather after snagging the Honor Literature Prize.” 

The old man was all fired up, not showing a hint of feeling under the weather

After seeing Noella, I reckon I could whip up another ten books! Noella, kiddo, I’ve got a sort of music store and I’m handing it over to you. Pop in when you’ve got a sec and pick out a zither you fancy. We’ll start creating magic next week!” 

Sienna jumped in to intercept

Dad, that music store’s got a ton on its plate. Noella will get worn out. If you’re fond of her, just snag her a zither and call it a day.” 

Merrick’s store wasn’t just any old shop; it doubled as an art exhibition center where many maestros showcased their zithers, a real hub for the zither bigwigs

A girl’s gotta have her own gig. Noella, the store is yours now. Whatever dough it makes each year, it’s all yours. Oh, and throw in the gallery next door too. If it gets too much, have Beckett pitch in. He’ll handle the hustle and you pocket the cash. The old man didn’t see anything offkilter with his plan.. 

He was doling out businesses to Noella left and right, with the vibe that he wouldn’t mind tossing a few more her way

When Beckett heard this, he thought Merrick’s plan held water

Alright, I’ll keep things ticking over for Noella, and the profits are hers. If it tanks, I’ll take the 


The old man cracked a satisfied grin, That’s my boy.” 

Beckett already had his hands full, so squeezing in a family dinner was a feat. He was already buried in financial reports during his car rides, and piling more companies on his plate would probably run him ragged

So Noella quickly chimed in, I’ll manage it myself. It’s Grandpa’s hard work, and I’ll be sure to learn the ropes from Beckett.” 

Merrick nodded, Sure, they’re just small ventures. Have a little fun with them. And hey, if they go belly up, no biggie. Count it on me.” 

Merrick sounded like he was practically grooming Noella to be some kind of spoiled heiress

Noella felt a warm fuzziness inside. She knew that her grandpa felt like he owed her something. and that was exactly a thought from someone who loved her. Both the Schnabel and the Horwich families felt they owed her because they loved her

Freya looked at Noella with tender affection. Her silver locks didn’t dull her elegance one bit. Instead, they added a touch of poise and grace

Noella, September’s around the corner. Have you decided on a university yet? If not, how about shadowing grandma in biology?” 

Noella pulled out the acceptance letter from her bag and handed it over to Freya

I’m off to Imperial University to study jewelry design.” 

She had settled on her school and major a while back, partly because Imperial was closest to the Schnabels, and partly because she had promised Old Mrs. Lambert as a child she’d craft the world’s finest jewelry

Back in that starry courtyard, Old Mrs. Lambert had taught her to identify the stars while cradling her in her arms

Someday, our little one will shine bright as a star too.” 

Then I’ll study jewelry design and make the prettiest jewels for grandma!” 

Old Mrs. Lambert was over the moon, showering Noella with kisses as their laughter filled the courtyard

Seeing Noella’s acceptance letter, Freya beamed ear to ear

Wow, our Noella’s such a star! A scholarship offer, no less! The brainy kid is surely our lineage!” 

Sienna joined in, grabbing Noella’s letter and planting several kisses on her

Her daughter was just perfect! She was beautiful, sweettempered, and excelling academically even in the dump of the Lambert family. Such a flawless daughter was truly Sienna’s pride and joy

Noella, why didn’t you tell us?Sienna asked

Noella was a bit speechless

From Beckett to Elara, everyone pretty much waltzed into university without a hitch in the Schnabels not to mention Elara being some kind of teen prodigy. Her acceptance was hardly a big deal in the Schnabel family

Just got it a few days ago.She replied

Tristan was beside himself with emotion, practically bawling. The Schnabels have a few jewelry businesses they’re all yours now! I will keep them warm for you until you graduate, then you can dive straight into work!” 


Chapter 79 

Sienna was all for it

A girl needs her own career. Noella, it’s not that your dad and I don’t want to take care of you. Look at me I got pushed around because I was stuck at home doing nothing.” 

Seeing his wife bring up painful memories, Tristan was a bundle of nerves

Honey, let’s just jet off somewhere after Noella starts school. Let the eldest deal with the household mess!he added

That makes sense. After we drop off Noella, we’ll take a trip. Didn’t we buy an island last time? We should get one for Noella when she comes to find us there during the holiday too!” 

Beckett couldn’t bear to watch these two. So, they’d have their fun and leave him to mop up the mess at him, huh

He was at his wit’s end dealing with Ashlyn’s tantrums and antics

Recalling what Marcel had advised her, Noella glanced at Beckett, who was lost for words. Brother, Grandpa said not to sweat it too much.” 

Beckett’s eyes lit up

The kids haven’t had much love for Ashlyn for ages. They’ve watched her push Sienna around since childhood. She was also harsh to them, and they couldn’t even compete with Yvonne

Back when they were kids at the dinner table, Yvonne was the only one having meat in her bowl, while Beckett and his little brothers could barely lay their hands on an egg

Merrick thought the Schnabels were hitting rock bottom, so he scooped up the kids. And Ashlyn? She was all snarky, going on about how the Horwiches looked down on the Schnabels and saying a married daughter should never hang at her folksplace everyday

If she wasn’t their elder, those Schnabel sons wouldn’t give her the time of day


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