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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 80


Chapter 80 

Merrick and Freya were making such a big deal about taking photos with Noella, as if they were more excited than if they finished novels or won science awards. They even dug out their wedding outfits to snap pics with her

Freya’s rocking this burgundy silk dress, and man, she’s still got it all grace and poise. The dress just added to her charm

Merrick’s suit was an oldie but goodie, with a wellpreserved fleurdelis brooch adding a touch. of scholarly kindness

Noella, sandwiched between the two oldtimers, snapped their first group selfie

Freya was over the moon, and she waved at Tristan and Sienna, who look like they were about to drool with envy

They were practically itching to jump in and take pics with their daughter


Last time at the birthday bash, they were so busy clicking at their girl that they totally spaced on getting a group shot. Now they were kicking themselves over it

Come on, get in here. We’ll photoshop Stirling and Elara in later.” 

The whole family ended up taking a bunch of photos together

Merrick couldn’t wait to switch his profile pic to the selfie with Noella. He hightailed it to chat with Marcel, Whoa, why did I change my profile pic? Can’t quite make out who’s in it, can you?Marcel was in the middle of a chess game with Sexton, and when he saw that message, he was so close to flipping out. That sly old fox’s showing off his pic with Noella, huh? Just wait until she visits me in the hospital. I’ll get my photo op too!” 

Seeing Noella all cozy with Merrick in the photo, Marcel was getting all choked up. 

Why didn’t he think to take a pic with his granddaughter

Now he’s just got to sit there and watch Merrick strut his stuff

In the Schnabel family group chat, Beckett accidentallydropped à ton of Noella’s pics. including the fresh ones they just took

Ulrich: [Noella’s looking adorable. That outfit’s perfect on her. Grandma doing okay? I’ll swing by after my surgery.

Stirling: [What’s the deal here? Why didn’t we take any when I was home?!

Elara: [No biggie, I got Photoshop.

She played it cool, but she quickly edited herself into the group shot and uploaded it to the chat


Stirling: (Fake is fake, drop the act. You’re probably dying to cry, right?

Elara gave Noella a call, his voice pathetic, Noella! Stirling’s saying I’m fake, so does he want to kick me out? I can’t stand to leave you, my baby girl! Oh well, I guess I’m not really a Schnabel; I deserve this and I’ll just leave.” 

Noella’s head was spinning as she calmed her down, Sis, I’ll swing by Emerald County when I can. I’ll bring you some treats then.” 

Then I wanna take photos with you too!Elara said

Sure, we’ll take loads.” 

Elara hung up. She was pleased as punch and dropped the recording of the call into the group 


Stirling was livid

[You’re way out of line! You are stirring up drama to get sympathy from our sis. Right, Ulrich?] He furiously typed

Ulrich was not even bothering with their group chat drama. Noella, lunch tomorrow? I wanna take photos with you too.He called Noella directly


After sorting through the Schnabelsphoto requests, Noella breathed a sigh of relief

Back in the Lambert days, she hardly ever took pics and didn’t have many keepsakes

Except for Old Mrs. Lambert, who treasured this one photo of her as a kid. And when she was laid to rest, that photo went with her into the grave. Therefore, Noella didn’t have a single picture left from her time with the Lamberts

Freya peeked at the photo of Noella’s sweet, gentle smile, sneaking a tear wipe when no one’s watching and planting a kiss on that photo on her phone. My granddaughter is so precious; what a blessing.” 

Noella felt a warm current flowing through her heart as she sensed Freya’s love in that simple 


Beckett offered his hand, I take you to check out the music store?” 

Sure.She answered

As they drove off with Beckett, Noella heard him humming a tune. Sounding like he’s in a particularly good mood

Noella, you wouldn’t believe it, but our folks weren’t always like this. Dad used to be super tough, but after finding out Elara wasn’t ours, he just changed no joke, you’d have thought he was this stony type if you met him earlier.” 

Like one time, there was an elevator accident at the mall, and a kid was stuck. Dad could’ve 


had someone wait with the kid, but no, he sat there himself, saying how great it’d be if someone did that for you if you were in trouble

We’ve always been big on charity, especially these last couple of years. One time, Grandma said it was Mom’s fault for losing you, and Mom just broke down and got ill. Elara’s great, but we missed you too. Now you’re here with us, and you have no idea how happy we are.” 

After a moment of silence, Noella cracked a smile too, Yeah, I know. I’m happy too.” 

Beckett reached out to ruffle her soft hair, Elara once came to me, said she’d leave the Schnabels once you were back. But she dropped the idea as she thought that the elders wouldn’t let her go.” 

Noella knew it was tough for the Schnabels at first, so she cracked open, Elara’s awesome. We are still a family even if she finds her own, right?” 

Beckett was caught off guard, then moved and reassured as he pinched Noella’s cheek

She’s just the best, a true Schnabel through and through

He forwarded Noella’s words to Elara without changing a single letter, and added a few scolding lines of his own, telling Elara to stay put with the Schnabel family because she’ll always be a part of it

Elara quickly bombarded him with a stream of crying emojis

My sis is my little angel! And how dare you scold me, Beckett? You piece of crap! Lololol! My sister and I love each other. You are the only one getting blocked!” 

Beckett looked at his phone and felt a throb in his temples

After a moment, he couldn’t help but curse with a chuckle, What a cheeky girl. She just has no respect for her brother.” 

But the corners of his mouth still curled up in a smile and brimmed with Joy

The Lambert Mansion in the Tranquility City

Vincent and Belinda were dumped rudely at the villa’s doorstep as the car with no plate sped 

off into the distance


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