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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84 

The moment she dropped that bomb, the whole gallery fell weirdly silent

This painting was the crown jewel of the gallery. Tons of folks came here just to eyeball this masterpiece, turning the place into a hotspot for Instagram selfies and all that jazz. It even got its 15 minutes of fame on a bunch of TV interviews

No way this piece was a fake

Harper couldn’t help but smirk sarcastically. Listen up, Miss, this work of art’s been vetted by TV crews and whatnot it’s the real thing, so don’t play expert if you ain’t one, okay? No wild guessing.” 


Travis was getting antsy too. How could this be a fake, Miss? Loads of art buffs have given it the thumbs up it’s legit!” 

Noella just shook her head cool as a cucumber, her eyes fixed on the play of light and shadow in Spring Night

The genuine Spring Nighthad a few roses added in the top left corner just a little magic touch she threw in while Master Killian was painting

Those roses took the whole thing up a notch. Killian loved it so much he hung it in his bedroom. At its first showing, the roses weren’t there, so any copycat wouldn’t even know about them

This painting in front of her, although a pretty good knockoff, was definitely a dud

Too many details were dealt with heavyhanded strokes, which didn’t make it the same league work as the original Spring Night

Noella pointed at a corner of Spring Nightto everyone and claimed. The original by Master Killian didn’t start its strokes in this sequence.” 

Harper scoffed, Come on, princess, Killian’s brushwork is one of a kind. Who could possibly fake that?” 

Noella turned to Travis, Bring me some paper and paint.” 

Uh, yeah, sure, right on it,he said, quickly grabbing the best paints and brushes from the gallery’s stash and setting up an easel for Noella

Noella grabbed a brush and started mixing colors like a pro, whipping up Spring Night’s palette in no time

Master Killian’s color mix and brushwork were his signature, and those were the most impossible things to replicate. Most wannabe forgers couldn’t even get the colors right and bailed at step one

And here was Noella, nailing every shade on the fly and sketching out a piece of Spring Night‘ 

Chapter 84 

in a blink

This is how Killian does it. This Spring Nightis all wrong with its strokes and colors.She 


Everyone was gobsmacked

The Spring NightNoella whipped up on the spot was even more vivid than the one on display. The water at spring night was rippling and galloping with an eyecatching glamour

Harper was gritting and his knees knocking. Just because you can paint doesn’t mean this one’s a phony. We dropped a cool three hundred mil on this.” 

Noella’s gaze was icy as it landed on him. You painted this, didn’t you? And that money went straight into your pocket.” 

Harper was sweating bullets

How did she figure it out

No way! She must be bluffing

If he got busted, he’d be behind bars

Miss, you can’t smear my good name like that. How could I have painted this?he said with a shaky voice

Noella pulled out her phone and videocalled Killian, turning the camera to the Spring Nightin question before the old man even said hello

What’s that? Isn’t the real painting still hanging in my bedroom?the old man was confused. Seeing Master Killian, Travis didn’t care if the guy was a living legend in the art world. If the gallery’s painting was a fake, he’d be in deep trouble

Master Killian, are you sure this is a counterfeit?he asked

Killian snorted, stood up, and showed the real Spring Nightin his bedroom, See? It’s got the roses my hopeless student added. You think I can’t spot a fake? You’ve got a dud!” 

With Killian’s live testimony, everyone in the gallery hit the floor like sacks of potatoes

Noella’s eyes were on Harper, who was plotting his escape, Travis, you gonna nab him or wait to get nabbed yourself?” 

Travis snapped to it and immediately rushed up to nab Harper

You little weasel. That’s three hundred million! Enjoy your life in the slammer!” 

Harper didn’t expect the thing he’d been hiding for so long to be exposed all of a sudden. He was panicked and scared out of his wits, I did it for the gallery! How is my painting any worse than Killian’s? You wouldn’t showcase my stuff, and instead, you made me fix up old paintings. And you still treated my painting as a treasure, right?” 


Chapter 84 

Still talking tough, huh? You’ve done the crime!” 

Harper knew he was toast

Cops showed up quick and hauled him away

Travis asked Noella with respect. Miss, what do we do with the fake? Should we destroy it 



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