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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 85

Chapter 85 

In the expansive gallery, it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, with only Noella’s voice audible as she inspected the artworks, ordering some to be repositioned or even taken down

Noella was standing before a painting. In the picture, a fairylike girl descended before snowcapped hills, with her dress fluttering in the breeze beneath the towering canvas

Travis sidled up to introduce it, Miss, this piece is Miss Yvonne’s submission for the exhibition. It’s an original by Miss Yvonne herself, and even Mr. Schnabel is aware of it. He’s even said she’s got quite the knack for painting.” 

Yvonne’s work

Travis, have you ever laid eyes on Master Killian’s The Mountain Portray’?she asked

I haven’t had the privilege to feast my eyes on every one of Master Killian’s pieces,he replied. Killian’s no ordinary Joehe’s a master of oil painting, a national treasure! His artworks are so coveted they’re gifted straightaway to visiting dignitaries of Harmonia Country

How could a gallery manager like him get a peep whenever he wished

The Mountain Portray is actually hanging in my study right now.” 

Noella whipped out her phone and showed Travis the masterpiece gracing her study

The Schnabels had set up a study for each kid, and since they didn’t have a clue about Noella’s tastes, Sienna had asked for her input when decorating, tailoring it to her preferences

The Mountain Portraywas the first painting Master Killian had gifted Noella. The picture was inspired by her elegant gesture and it was one of a kind

Even when Killian had exhibitions, he’d flaunted that painting too

The painting here? It was completely a knockoff of The Mountain Portray

Travis broke into a cold sweat as he compared the image on Noella’s phone to the painting hanging before them, Miss, I mean, this is Miss Yvonne’s work after all. We can’t justtake it down on a whim.. 

Noella coolly stated, My gallery is open to creation and imitation. Master Killian always welcomes those who wish to learn his techniques, but claiming a forgery as an original? That’s a nogo. This painting needs to go.” 

Understood, I’m on it.” 

With no other choice, Travis reluctantly dialed up Yvonne

What? Has Noella lost her marbles? Who gave her the right to toss out my work? That gallery was supposed to be Grandpa’s, what gives her the authority to call the shots?Yvonne shot back


Ms. Yvonne, now Noella is the boss of the gallery. Your grandpa has already gifted it to her.” 

Yvonne nearly crushed her phone in fury

She had her eye on that gallery for ages, perfect in location and prestige for her. If only Merrick cut it loose and gifted it to her, her standing among the Imperial City’s elite ladies would be unmatched

She fell for The Mountain Portrayat a gallery stroll and had managed to replicate it with great effort. Master Killian had taken the original back and hardly anyone had seen it. Even Beckett hadn’t noticed the forgery when it was hung. How could Noella tell it was fake

That country bumpkin must be green with envy of her talent and trying to smear her reputation! Her malice was just too vile

Yvonne slammed her pillow a few times in a rage, Then she grabbed her bag, stormed out the door, and headed straight for Merrick’s place

It was just because she hadn’t been schmoozing up to the old man lately that Noella found her opening. She must’ve fed Merrick some kind of love potion to get him to hand over the gallery

Meanwhile Noella stepped out of the gallery to spot a sleek and understated Aston Martin parked across the street

The car was a limited global release; only those with a hefty bank balance got to test drive it, let alone buy at a hefty price tag. And the car was even customized. The passersby couldn’t help but stop and stare

Annie, who was impeccably dressed in a suit, stood before it and greeted Noella with a bow and a smile

Noella strode towards the car and slid in as Annie held the door open for her

Inside, Palmer was the picture of sophistication in a bespoke suit, his tie crisp. Whether by chance or design, his lapel sported a leaf decoration, which was clearly an Azure original. And that was worth a pretty penny

No barely 

remembered crafting that suit herself; it must’ve been last year when some big shot from Kitai requested a few custom pieces from Azure. With Polaris Star in a financial pinch, she’d worked through the night to get it done

To think, the only suit Azure ever made was for Palmer

Kitai had even remarked on the suit’s owner having a great figure, saying if he were a male model who topped the industry

At the thought, Noella blushed and coughed awkwardly

Palmer, who had been reviewing financial reports, looked up with concern, Feeling off? Annie

Chapter 85 

Ms. Yvonne, now Noella is the boss of the gallery. Your grandpa has already gifted it to her.” 

Yvonne nearly crushed her phone in fury

She had her eye on that gallery for ages, perfect in location and prestige for her. If only Merrick cut it loose and gifted it to her, her standing among the Imperial City’s elite ladies would be unmatched

She fell for The Mountain Portrayat a gallery stroll and had managed to replicate it with great effort. Master Killian had taken the original back and hardly anyone had seen it. Even Beckett hadn’t noticed the forgery when it was hung. How could Noella tell it was fake

That country bumpkin must be green with envy of her talent and trying to smear her reputation! Her malice was just too vile

Yvonne slammed her pillow a few times in a rage, Then she grabbed her bag, stormed out the door, and headed straight for Merrick’s place

It was just because she hadn’t been schmoozing up to the old man lately that Noella found her opening. She must’ve fed Merrick some kind of love potion to get him to hand over the gallery

Meanwhile Noella stepped out of the gallery to spot a sleek and understated Aston Martin parked across the street

The car was a limited global release; only those with a hefty bank balance got to test drive it, let alone buy at a hefty price tag. And the car was even customized. The passersby couldn’t help but stop and stare

Annie, who was impeccably dressed in a suit, stood before it and greeted Noella with a bow and a smile

Noella strode towards the car and slid in as Annie held the door open for her

Inside, Palmer was the picture of sophistication in a bespoke suit, his tie crisp. Whether by chance or design, his lapel sported a leaf decoration, which was clearly an Azure original. And that was worth a pretty penny

Noella barely remembered crafting that suit herself; it must’ve been last year when some big shot from Kitai requested a few custom pieces from Azure. With Polaris Star in a financial pinch, she’d worked through the night to get it done

To think, the only suit Azure ever made was for Palmer

Kitai had even remarked on the suit’s owner having a great figure, saying if he were a male model who topped the industry

At the thought, Noella blushed and coughed awkwardly

Palmer, who had been reviewing financial reports, looked up with concern. Feeling off? Annie

Chapter 85 

let’s swing by the hospital.” 

No need, I’m a doctor myself.Noella replied

Palmer put away his reports and reached for Noella’s hand with a hint of guilt, his expression softening a lot under the cabin lights

Sorry, I’ve been a bit tied up these past few days and couldn’t keep you company.He apologized

I never said I needed company, did 1? As Noella mused that and tried to pull her hand back, Palmer let her by releasing it with a smile


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