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THE LAST ALPHA novel Chapter 1

The water spills and splashes beneath the feet of the running wolves, crossing the river to the border. The full moon rises in the sky, shining like a white pearl. It lightens the black woods where two rogues are running for their life.

The paddy feet are silent and alert in the direction they are heading, but the pack behind them is closer than they thought. The woods scream silently, and the dark souls are wide awake. The naïve animals are hiding under the layers of earth, laying silently.

The rogues have crossed the borders of the Territory but their troubles are never ending.

“Markus! We can’t run away from this, not any longer. They are close and they will take the most precious thing from us.” Delfina cries.

Markus stops in the track, “we need time to think for an escape. I know the time is hard but it will pass. We oath to keep him protected under us, if we fail, the entire existence of black Alphas will go extinct.”

Delfina cries and wipes her tears. She transforms into her human form and reveals to be carrying a baby in a small basket.

“We might have crossed the borders but they can sense our breaths. If we stop breathing, they can’t detect us and we will protect him.” Delfina states.

“No! I can not allow you to do this. We will keep him safe. He is the future of Black Alpha clan and I will raise him.” Markus hisses.

“You are being stubborn, Markus. They have taken everything from you, your powers too. You can do nothing but this is our last chance. If you want to keep your son alive, we have to sacrifice ourselves.”

Markus stays silent, "I might have lost everything I owned but I still have you and my son. How can you say that easily to give up? You are my Luna and a Luna will remain the Alpha’s power.”

Delfina hugs Markus and they share a long romantic kiss before their break.

“Now, run and never look back for me. I will spare time for you to escape.” Markus states.

“That’s suicide, Markus!” Delfina utters in shock.

Markus points at his son, “he needs to stay alive, no matter what. Promise me one thing, that you will keep him safe. Hide him in the human world, they will never find him there.” He states, and Delfina nods her head in agreement.

Her eyes spoke fear but her heart said to be strong. She shifts in her wolf and runs away from the place. She knows that this was the last time she saw Markus, his mate and it will haunt her. She can’t help him being his luna but she has no choice.

Markus stands still on the foreign territory as he senses entities approaching him. He is alert with his will to face them. The pack of wolves encircles him and the leader steps out to initiate the conversation between them.

“Markus, the black Alpha has surrendered finally.” The wolf shifts into human form and throws venomous words at him.

Markus smirks and turns to face the bold and fearless Alpha of the rival pack, “who said I surrender? I am here to whoop your ass.” He growls and shifts into a wolf.

Markus attacks Alpha and rips its throat, killing him on the spot. His eyes turn blood lusted, and he attacks other wolves. The stranded place turns into a bed of blood and bodies. Markus keeps on the fight until the one approaches him and hits on his head.


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