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THE LAST ALPHA novel Chapter 2

The woods and the fire, killing innocent animals, engulfing them inside. The horrendous view to slaughter makes a cub, shiver in fear. He runs without an aim in the black woods to find a shelter but it fills his lungs with smoke and gas by the fire started by an enemy wolf.

He is a big and dangerous wolf who gazes aggressively at the poor cub. The steady and firm steps approach the scared cub and lashes at him with his sharp canines.


Suddenly, an adolescent man wakes up from the terrible dream and gasps for air.




The sweat drenched me from head to toe, as I woke up from the most terrible dream I saw last night. I rub my hands over my face, wiping the sweat away. My throat aches from dryness, and I gulp the water directly from the bottle.

The eyes hurt because of lack of sleep these days. No matter what, I try to sleep, I always wake up in the middle of the night seeing these dreadful dreams from a few days ago.

I got up from the bed and went to take a cold shower. It relaxes my hot skin when the coldness of water penetrates into my skin. I dress for the college, being a third-year student in biochemistry. I am a geek nerd, but a cute nerd.

I approach the dining table and gaze at my mother who is serving delicious pancakes to my dad.

“Good morning, mom and dad!” I greet them.

“Good morning, bunny bunch.” the funny nickname they gave me haunts in my dreams too.

“I am 21 now, please stop calling me by that name.” I snorted.

“No matter how much you age, you will be our bunny bunch.” Mom said.

“I guess, I have to live with this sin.” I mumble under my breath.

“Did you sleep well last night?” Dad asks.

“The dreams are bothering me again.” i state.

“Do you want to see your physiatrist?” Mom suggests.

“I am fine. I had enough of these therapies. People bully me for this.” 

“Then beat the shit out of them, we will take care of the things.” 

I look at them with a raised eyebrow, “I Am leaving. Have a delightful day.”

“Have an outstanding day, son.” They greet me.


I walk to the bus stop and take the first coach to reach my college. Being a topper in the school, it granted me a scholarship and allowed me to get admission in one of the best colleges in Copenhagen.

Being one of the most expensive cities in the whole Denmark, they curse the education with money. I did not want to burden my parents for my education so I worked hard on it to achieve it. Books, notes, and the library are my priorities when the kids of my age are at parties, boozing and going on trips to have fun. Life is not the same for everyone.

I cross the primary entrance of the college but my awful luck that my favorite bully is waiting for like usual.

“Mikkelsen! Where is the nerdy boy going? I remember we have a test today. You know what you have to do.” he winks at me and leaves.

Today, we have a test in class and he wants me to help, actually help him copy my answers. As I take more steps towards my classroom, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see Ben, and Martha, my best friends. A silly smile erupts on my face.

“What’s up?” Martha asks.

“Cooper bullied me to help him in the test today.”

“Poor Onyx, I pity you.” Ben states.

“You should be happy that you are not in my place. It sucks to be me.” I sigh heavily.


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