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THE LAST ALPHA novel Chapter 3

The birds are chirping early this morning and wake up before my alarm hits. That's not usual for me to wake up early on days but i have this weird feeling in my guts since Dad proposed about the vacation. Something is going to happen, best or worst, the time will tell.

I descend the staircase and run to the kitchen, finding mom and dad asleep. I grabbed a jacket from the hanger and went out to get some fresh air. I love the smell of air, woods and soil. Sometimes, I feel that I belong somewhere in the woods but the drastic nightmare made me afraid of the woods.-

I agreed to go on the trip because I want to see my parents happy. But, since yesterday, i can’t shrug this feeling from my head. I can’t find peace in this. After my morning walk, I came back home and took a shower. I hear scattering of utensils, Mom is waking up and she is preparing something in the kitchen.

I got dressed and went to the kitchen. I greet my parents and eat my breakfast in silence.

“So, everything is ready?” Dad asks.

“Yep! And I baked some cookies for the trip, Onyx’s favorite choc chip cookies.” Mom states.

“Thank you, mom!”

“Onyx, help me load the bags in the trunk.” he asks and I agree.

We loaded all the bags and stuff we will require on our trip. We all went inside the car and drove away. The busy streets of Copenhagen seem to be never ending when you get stuck in traffic jams. I keep looking out of the window to pass the time but something gets my attention. An ad with a big wolf pixelated on the enormous screen. I keep looking at the picture of the wolf like he is looking at me. I was never fond of carnivorous animals but like one got my attention.

“Dad! Have you ever seen a wolf?” I ask inattentively.

Dad hitches on my question but replies after a long pause, “I never encountered one but heard about them alot. They are dangerous but beautiful species God has ever created. They are the biggest example of teamwork and unity.”

“So, the place where we are heading has wolves?” I ask.

“I don’t think so, I never heard about that.” Dad shrugs the topic and I stay silent further.

I scroll through social media and gaze at the photos of my batchmates. They are all having fun. I smirked and off the screen, then drifted to a peaceful sleep. After a while, not sure how much time has passed but something strikes my nostrils which makes me wake up immediately. An irresistible scent of sandalwood and jasmine, plus both of them are my favorite.

“Did we reach?” I ask.

“Almost! You slept for more than 4 hours.” mom informs.

“Really?” I asked surprisingly.

Dad parks the car near a blunt ground, which seems like a parking place for tourists.

“We will walk to the cabin from here.” Dad informs.

We all nod in agreement and head to the place where we are resting. I take out the bags and place them in the cabin. The cabin is small but we have enough space of three. I notice from the window that Dad and mom are arranging bricks and stones to make a barbecue. I join them as well.

“Wow! Dad! This mini barbeque looks amazing.” I appreciate it.

“I hope it will work.” Mom grunts.

She is cutting some veggies and I help her too. Then, Dad takes me to the woods to collect some spare wood to cook the food. He ignites the barbeque and mom prepares the gravy.

“We will go for a hunt, tomorrow. I hope you will like it son.” dad mentions.

“Hunt? For what?”


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