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The Last Daughter novel Chapter 5

Xyra's viewpoint

One year later

   "The wheel on the bus goes round and round

   Round and round

   Round and round

   The wheel on the car goes round and round

   All through the forest…" Zeph and Fina sang loudly, hands clasped against one another and heads rested on each other. We were in my car, heading back to the pack because dad called for me.

   The alpha king's birthday was coming up and as Cresent Pack was one of the strongest and largest, it was tradition for the alpha and Luna to be there. As the heir, it was only fair I am there too. Zeph and Moira wouldn't miss an opportunity to attend a grand party for the world. April was coming as the beta female, yup, she turned out to be the young beta's mate. It was a big shock, but it was a happy moment of shock and tears. Fina was returning because I couldn't leave her alone in my apartment. The last time I did at our last apartment, half of the kitchen was set on fire in the name of a party.

   Who's Fina? The gamma's daughter, our age. Dad introduced us to her since we needed a high school certificate. We wrote final exams with her and went to the same college with her. We all lived together, but work separately. While I worked at a motor shop, April worked in a library, Moira in a cyber cafe and Zeph at a boutique. We didn't want to rely on dad's money, but Fina was dependent on her boyfriends and parents.

   So while I was driving us home since the pack wasn't that far from our university–just two towns away–Zeph and Fina decided to sing songs to make the journey more enjoyable. The only problem was that it made it the opposite. Zeph was a little bit tipsy so she was singing badly, and Fina doesn't need to try to sing badly, she's a natural. The other problem was the songs they choose to sing and of course, the way they were shouting.

   April covered her ears with a groan, she, unfortunately, sat beside them while Moira rode in front. Moira had her headphone on and her phone in her hands, typing away like the world didn't matter. She was working, she's always working. And when she is not, she is partying, playing boys, and going shopping with Fina and Zeph.

   "Aren't you guys done yet? You have been singing for three hours!"

   "We just got to the best part," Fina chirped.

   "The Aprils on the bus goes…"

   "This is not a bus, it's a car!"

   "Geez, April, live a little," Zeph giggled.

   "Xyra," April cried. I sighed tiredly.

   "Zeph, Fina, if you both don't stop singing, I'll tell dad about what happened at Matt's party last week,"

They gasped. "You wouldn't dare," Fina challenged.

   "Don't even do that, I am involved here. I will stop singing," Zeph said sharply.

   "We are finally here," April sighed. Zeph and Fina shrieked with excitement. I glanced at Moira who giggled, she wasn't working.

   "Moira, are you chatting with Colins again?" I demanded. She was still giggling.

   "Ooh! Let me!" Zeph shrieked. She moved closer and stretched her hands over the headrest. She got hold of Moira's headphones, pulled them like a rubber band and released them. It smacked Moira in the ears, causing her to yelp and them to laugh.

   Moira removed the headphone and glared at them. "What the fuck!"

   "You weren't listening," Zeph laughed, "so I summoned you,"

   "Why you…"

   "Moira, mature one today, will ya? And who are you texting? Hope it isn't Colins?" She rolled her eyes and murmured something. "What did you say?"

   "No, it's not him, okay? I told you I will let him go, didn't I?" She asked rudely. A low growl erupt from my chest from Majesty and even I agreed with it. Moira, Zeph and April were officially sworn into my pack for protection a month after we came back, so I was their alpha too. Well, I've always been their alpha.

A call to duty? 1

A call to duty? 2


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