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The Last Daughter novel Chapter 7

Carswell's viewpoint

   Rolling my eyes at the elders going over why I should throw this party for the sixty-seventh time, I folded my arms and leaned back on my chair. Of course, I knew they were only trying to look out for me, they were acting like my grandfathers but I didn't mind… Before, I didn't mind. Now I did. My beast was equally as bored of the conversation as I was.

   It's nice of them to want me to find someone to spend the rest of my life with or, at least, produce an heir, but they need to remember that I'm old already and it doesn't matter. Okay, not that old. But I ruled better because I didn't have any weak side to me, no weakness or someone who my enemies would try to use against me. I was honestly better on my own, but they didn't think so. I needed an heir, the first important thing to them. I needed a companion, one to keep my balance, the second important thing. They all forgot that only an erasthasis can truly balance their other half as well as destroy it. Sure, falling in love will help, but it wasn't like meeting your soulmate.

   I didn't want it. I didn't want a mate because she could ruin what I've built for nearly… No, seven hundred years. And I didn't want a woman to just bear me children like my father did to my mother. I didn't want their marriage or how their lives ended up.

   Unfortunately, my beast and I were the only ones who agreed to that decision. Unfortunate. My first birthday since I became king. That was something I wasn't looking forward to.

   "I know it's going to be hard to stay at a party when you can be focusing on other things, but this is necessary. Please, just do this for us, just six hours and you can leave." Francis, my father's best friend and the man who helped me through my early reign, was a second and better father to me.

   "I've agreed already, this meeting is pointless," I sighed.

   "Wells, I know you, very well. You will disappear ten minutes after the party begins. Just promise you will, at least, last six hours?"


   "That's too small," another shouted.

   "Three is the least I can manage. I have issues to deal with. Can I go now? I need to do something important." Yeah, not be here with all of you.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty," they chorused.

   "Don't thank him yet," Francis said under his breath.

   "Who knows, maybe he will find his mate," I snorted at that idea, that was worse.

   "Wells, we have a list of worthy females to try, you know, for a queen?" Francis said unsurely. I sighed and waved my hand for him to continue. "There are twenty-six worthy girls…"

   "Twenty-six!" I exclaimed. "So I'm supposed to go around talking to…"

   "If you'll let me finish," he interjected. The only fucking man who had the guts to interrupt me and get away with it, "but knowing how you are, I reduced them to six. The most important and worthy ones are three; Clarabelle Calder, daughter of…"

   "I know the bitch, my ex. You want me to go back to my ex?"

   "I wouldn't say you two ever dated, if letting off steam counts as dating then sure. Anyways, the second is Viona Rave and the last is a werewolf, not a lycan," I gave him a blank expression, "Alpha Derrick's first daughter, alpha female."

   "Hmm," I scrunched my nose thoughtfully. The last time I checked, she had a mate. "I thought she had a mate?"

   "Turns out she didn't mate with him, rejected him for being an asshole. We don't exactly know where she has been since, but we do know that she is a strong one, that's what the informant says. She's worthy because she has royal training, my informant says so. So she will make a good queen."

   "Yeah, right," I said sarcastically. "So, meet Viona and this girl and get it over with?"

   "At least try to talk to them, Viona and Trisola," he corrected. I nodded, not even caring to mentally store their names. After a lot of unnecessary advice, they finally let me go.

   I pushed the door to my room open, walked in while pulling off my robe, and threw it somewhere I didn't bother to look. My beast was complaining about going to a party. He hated it as much as I did, maybe even more. The only thing he loved doing was work, command people, eat and then sleep, or make ridiculous remarks on everything and everyone.

   To make our day worse, my delusional cousin sat on my bed with legs folded and completely naked. She would never understand what no is. She was obsessed with her beauty, social standard and power. Being a queen put one above everyone else, and she wanted that position despite being my maternal cousin. That didn't make her royal at all, but she insists that makes her one.

   "Zina, what are you doing in my room? Again?"

   "Oh, nothing, just decided to pay my cousin a visit." I shook my head. I was going too easy on her.

   "I've tried to treat you with respect but it seems like you don't need one. You have five minutes to get yourself dressed up," with that said, I left my room for her. I stopped at the elevator doors leading to my private floor. I looked at the guard standing there. "Zina, get her out of my room and never let her into my palace, again. If she does, you and your entire family are dead."

   I didn't look back, I typed in the code swiftly and waited for the chime that stated the doors have been unlocked. In less than three seconds, the door chimed and rapidly pulled apart. I step into the elevator and let it close. Hoping that maybe the doors would close this chapter of my life being forced to open. I didn't need a mate, I didn't need a queen. I have been ruling fine on my own, and I will continue ruling fine alone.

Xyra's viewpoint

   "Oh baby, give me one more chance

   A chance to make it back into your heart

Just meet them 1


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