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The Last Daughter novel Chapter 2

Loud painful cries echoed in the forest before it went silent. The scent of million flowers from the girl holding her filled her stuffed nose and somehow disoriented her. "Well, that was no fun," she heard a slightly deep but feminine voice snort out. "I was so bored I almost levitated my eyes."

"April, get her out of here. She can't see the frozen and ripped bodies." She didn't know whom among them said that, but the chill that ran down her spine was terrifying. The voice sounded cold, light, but cold as in icy cold. How that was possible, she didn't know, and she didn't feel like caring. They saved her. That means they are good people, right?-

"It's okay, baby. You'll be fine." She felt warmth pass through her body from hearing the voice of the person holding her. It was gentle, soft, and delicate. It made her think of flower petals. The girl she guessed was April, removed one hand from her body. She felt the girl jump from the rush of wind and the snaps of ropes. She wondered what was going on. She dared lift her head, gasping when she saw that the girl was jumping from tree to tree. Before her weight rested on the branch, she was off jumping to another tree.

Who exactly is this?

April jumped on the ground, so effortlessly the little girl marvelled at how light on her feet she was. "There, safe." The little girl looked at her trembling hands, she was clinging to the stranger as if her life depended on it. She didn't even know her body was shaking and that she was crying. The whole thing left her in shock. April stroked her hair gently, rubbing her back at the same time. "It's okay, we won't hurt you, and we won't let anyone do either. I promise you're safe with us."

"She has been lost for five days, she's brave and smart," the deep feminine voice said, making her flinch. When did she get there? The newcomer reached her hand forward and touched her head. The girl felt a little unsettle tingles in her head. She suddenly felt relaxed, like the single touch assured her for real. The deep voice smiled.

"Her name is Lulana," she looked around, seeing two more girls. They were all so gorgeous, even if one made her a bit frightened in a way. Wait how did she know her name? She hadn't spoken a word since she was saved.

"Lula, my name is Xyra and these are my friends, we are here to help you," the one who spoke had a light and melodious voice, a familiar smile on her face. It reminded her of her father's. "The girl holding you is April, our goddess of plants and animals." Lula looked at the girl holding her, smiling weakly.

April was beautiful, any male would kill for her. She had semi-long amber naturally Permed hair, office green eyes, and pale goldenrod skin. She wasn't that tall from what Lula could see, but she made up for it with her chest. Her chest was big, just like her mother's. Since her legs were wrapped around April's hips, she could tell it was large. She could already see the unmated males following her about if she should ever stay in their pack. April also looked like the gentle one who doesn't speak much and would rather spend her day reading books. Isla would love her if it's true.

"I'm Zephyr," that chill again. So, it was her. "In case you're wondering about the chill that runs down your spine every time I speak, it's because I'm a wereghost, a different kind. You'll get used to my voice soon enough." A wereghost? She didn't even know they exist, let alone see one? She must have been the blue breeze that froze the wolf. Lula's eyes brightened, she could already see a best friend-big sister in this one.

"Zephyr, a powerful wereghost. Her kind of wereghost is different. She is human, with all the abilities of a ghost, most abilities of a ghost and more. No one really knows her history, but she said that her father was a level sixteen ghost who took the form of a human to chase the woman he fell in love with. Her psychic mother fell in love with him and they had her. The weird offspring some hunters tried to eliminate before the ladies took her away. Zephyr is blonde; brownish gold and honey blonde. Her eyes are grey and her lips ruby red. She almost looks Korean. She is tall, slender, and pale, with very pale bluish-white skin. She looks more like a vampire than a ghost, but again, vampires and ghosts share one thing in common; they are both dead. She is beautiful, just has a fierce adorableness to her scary look." Zephyr said proudly. Her friends gave her weird looks.

"What?" She asked innocently.

"What are you doing?" April asked.


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