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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 1843

At that point in time, Tokyo Airport had stepped up inspections of the departure hall to track down the murderer of Matsumoto Yoshito and his family. Still, there was no way to perform strict control on all passengers due to the lack of workforce. 2

Although Rosalie was holding an Oskian passport, the staff did not report to his superior as she was heading to Osaka and not leaving Japan. 2

The staff silently recited Rosalie's name several times over, thinking to himself that the name sounded extremely pleasant, but he couldn't quite explain why. 6

Seeing the staff holding her passport and freezing for a moment, the first thought that crossed Rosalie’s mind was that her identity had been exposed.

However, she quickly dismissed the implausible thought.

First, the Tokyo Police Department knew that the exterminated Matsumoto's family was a high-skilled martial artist from Oskia. Still, they didn’t know anything beyond that. They didn't even know the name of the murderer. 6

Moreover, Japan was very close to Oskia, and throngs of tourists, expatriates, and businessmen came and went through the airport. So Tokyo Police could not have pinpointed them in such a short period. 3

Skimming the situation, Rosalie could surmise that the employee must have been so mesmerized by her beauty that he went into a daze. 3

She asked with an expressionless face. "Excuse me, d o you find my picture attractive?"

The man nodded subconsciously. "Yes, you are gorgeous..." 5

Immediately realizing that he had misspoken, he hurriedly handed the passport back to Rosalie with both hands and mumbled apologetically, "Miss Schulz, I'm really sorry! I didn’t mean it."

Ignoring his apology, she asked him with an icy look," Can I go now?" 1

"Of course!" Rosalie's cold aura sent chills down his spine. He hurriedly stamped her boarding pass, and respectfully handed it back to her. 2

Rosalie snatched the boarding pass, turning her face and leaving. The employee looked at her as she walked away, a mesmerized look plastered all over his face as he couldn't help sighing and murmuring under his breath, "Oh my... It's like Her Majesty descended at our humble airport... I've never seen a woman with such a powerful aura except in TV series and anime.” 4

Although the staff was pining for Rosalie, she did not lose focus despite having him wholly thrown out of the window and walked over to the machine performing security clearance. 1


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