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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 565

When Elaine’s name echoed across the room, Charlie was so shocked that his jaw dropped. He never expected that Elaine and Jacob were collegemates! 2

He didn’t even expect that she had the reputation of the college's number one vixen! 1

Honestly speaking, Elaine didn't seem like someone who had gone to a university before. 4

Honestly, she didn't even seem like a person who had finished junior high! 3

Given her inferior temperament and character, it was incredible for her to be admitted into the university.

Charlie was not the only one surprised at this moment.

All of Jacob's classmates were equally dumbfounded and shocked!

No one thought that Jacob would end up with Elaine!

Although Elaine was not in the same class as them, her reputation preceded her back in the days! 2

She was the symbol of arrogance and stubbornness back then, very vicious too. Stealing other people’s things was normal for her. When she was caught, instead of admitting her mistakes, she would fight with the person who had caught her. 9

There was a particular occasion that had made her

famous. One day, her thermos broke, but she didn't want to spend money on a new one, so, she stole one from the cafeteria.

The owner of the thermos had been a huge and brawny boy. He went to Elaine to reclaim his thermos, but she had pointed at his nose and scolded him for half an hour.

Annoyed, the boy had slapped her. Elaine then carried a bottle of hot water and threatened to splash it on him. The boy ran for more than ten minutes, but he was splashed by the hot water that burned his hand. 4


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