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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 585

After reaching a consensus, all of them began to draw their tiles again.

After Elaine finished drawing her tiles, she flipped her tiles around and almost screamed out in excitement a s soon as she straightened her tiles!

Her tiles were perfect!

The so-called ‘Heavenly Hand’ meant that they could win as soon as they drew their tiles! 1

She had to have so much good luck to be able to draw such good tiles!

Besides that, the tiles that she drew were really very good. She had a pair of seven to eighty thousand, and this would mean that she would be able to win with a sixty or ninety thousand. 3

Generally speaking, as long as the ten thousand and ninety thousand were in someone else's hands, she would not be able to win. That meant that from this moment onward, as long as someone discarded a ninety thousand dollars, Elaine would win the game immediately!

Under this kind of circumstances, she would be able t o win at the highest multiplier! 3

As she thought about this, Elaine excitedly arranged her tiles as she said, "I have a draw!"

Linda asked in surprise, "Elaine that is amazing. You have a draw with the cards that you just drew?”

"Yes!" Elaine said with a huge smile on her face. "I really don't know what is going on, but I am truly very lucky today!"

Linda nodded before she said, "It seems as though you are destined to win today."

After they were done speaking, Linda, who was seated at the banker's seat, straightened her tiles before she said, "Concealed Kong!" 1

Elaine exclaimed in surprise, "Oh! Sister Linda, you have a Concealed Kong as soon as you straightened your tiles. That is really amazing!"

Linda smiled before she said, "My other tiles are not that good!"

Elaine reminded her at this time, "By the way, Sister Linda, if you draw another tile, you will have to reveal your concealed tiles." 2

"Of course!" Linda nodded before she smiled, "Don't worry. I will definitely show you my tiles as soon as I draw it." 3

Since Elaine had already called for a draw, she could not change her hand anymore. Therefore, she could only continue drawing and playing until someone discarded or if she drew a winning tile herself. 1

However, Elaine did not know that the ninety thousand tile was actually hidden under Linda's


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