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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1308

Ye Fan's thunderous voice erupted like thunder and with the roar of a tumultuous river.

Everyone looked up instantly.

Lv Hua's eyes widened while shock rippled in Lu Yan-Xi's eyes.

Mike Jones stared skyward, his tear-stained face filled with disbelief.

"Is that possible? Is he still...alive?"


Like a reply to his incredulity, a slim figure appeared in the storm and shot up into the heavens.

He had his hands folded behind his back and a look of authority on his face.

Within his arms was a beautiful woman and beneath his feet the rush of clouds.

As if answering the summoning call of someone, the forces of the heavens and earth began gathering beneath his feet.

Everyone watched as he lifted one foot and then took a step.

The power that he had built up inside him was released in a sudden rush.

After numerous days, the prowess of Invoke the Celestial Cloud was made known to the world once again.

Its force was like a huge boulder thrown into the sea, sending waves surging outward in all directions.

Ye Fan's single step had sent the clouds roiling.

"What move is that? How could it be that powerful?"

Everyone reeled back from the force of the powerful attack that they had just witnessed.

Mike Jones' eyes were as wide as saucers.

He had not seen such a powerful technique before.

The force of it sent fear coursing through everyone and threatened to send them to their knees.

"That's loud, but so what? It's just a showy act. You're just a grandmaster. There's no way we can't beat you when there's so many of us," said the Australian martial artist who had led the assault against Ye Fan with a cold smirk and a furious look in his eyes.

He had seen what a powerful fighter Ye Fan was but he simply wasn't convinced that a single man could outmatch so many martial artists.

He had but two fists while they were an army.

No matter how powerful a grandmaster was, he wasn't so powerful that he could rival so many men in a fight.

While the Australian martial artist was laughing manically, Ye Fan had landed on the storm of attack that his enemies had launched at him.

"Die! He must die!" snarled the Australian martial artist as he clenched his fists.

The others awaited eagerly for Ye Fan's destruction, but the scene that they looked forward to did not unfold.

Instead, the attack that they had launched shattered into pieces like an egg that had come into contact with the ground.

Their attacks were blown apart like a dandelion in the wind.

The moves that these men prided themselves on having mastered like the Mountainous Crush and the Buddha's Mark were nothing in the face of Ye Fan.

It took mere moments for him to tear them apart.


"How...how is that possible?"

"He's only a grandmaster. How...how can he be that powerful?”


"That's impossible!"

"That can't be possible!"

Everyone reeled from the sight that they had just witnessed.

The Australian martial artist, who had been gloating a moment ago, gaped like a crow that had its neck caught in a tight chokehold and howled with disbelief.

He and his Australian brethren were not the only ones who felt incredulous. Kong Ming, Lu Yan-Xi and the other martial artists from China were equally dumbstruck.


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