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The One Time Rejected Omega novel Chapter 5

Chapter 6

She Is The One!!!

Alpha Liam POV

“You will regret what you did to me.” the weak Omega said to me.

“Let’s see who win this, weakling. I body shamed her.

“Let the game begin.” She replied me with tears on her face before running out.

Where the hell did that weirdo thought she is going to?

She didn’t even know any where in the forest and here she is running into it like a little mouse.

“You didn’t do well Liam.” My wolf complained bitterly and i could clearly sense the bitterness on my thought.

“You don’t have the fucking right to tell me what I will do Dwayne.” I tensed him.

“She is my so called destined mate by the moon goddess so I have every hell of a single right to reject or accept.”

“I have every single right because she is my Mate also and I have the right to choose or reject her but you are acting like a hell of a boss because you have the final say in it.

One thing I hate about my wolf is his rudeness.

He is so rude and stubborn. I complained.

“You don’t expect me to be calm when you aren’t a calm person.” Dwayne said.

I really don’t know what got into me but I kind of felt so bad.

Rejecting my mate at the first sight.

“This gathering is closed!!!!” I thundered as my voice resounded across the whole hall.

“You can’t just close the party we have planned for all this years Liam” Mom said to me angrily.

“Mom I’m the future Alpha of my pack and I have every right to close this party if I want to”

“You are the the future Alpha but not the Ruling Alpha!!!!!!” Dad voice echoed round the hall.

.If you refuse to adhere to my orders then I’m leaving”. I said as stomped my feet angrily at the hall before leaving.

Alpha Liam’s Dad

I grinned wickedly.

I’m so proud of my boy.

“I was afraid that he will take that weak omega as his mate but he proved me wrong.”

My plan was so to draw a connection between Liam and Naomi.

Not because I love Naomi but because I want the authorities and power her parents possessed

I drove him out of my side and shunned him so the people will think I’m an Alpha who didn’t support awkward behaviors but they didn’t know it’s the other way round.

“Let the game begin!!!!!! Naomiiiii your parents powers will be mine soon.” I said smirking

Arielle POV

“Enjoy your new mate Alpha Liam!!!!”

“I said those last words as I ran out of the hall without knowing where I was running to.”

“I don’t care where I was going to.”

“I don’t Fucking care about anything…. I said crying.

“No matter how hard I tried to please them they are never satisfied. I said as I sat on the ground still weeping.

“You don’t have to worry Elsa everything is going to be okay. Something inside of me said.

What the heck!!!!

“I don’t have to worry right ??????

“I don’t have to worry but I don’t have a wolf”

“I don’t have to worry but my mate rejected me.”

“I don’t have to worry but my entire family hated me.”

“I don’t have to worry but the entire members of the pack hated and taunted me.”

“I’m no longer a person but a dead walking bitch.”

I’m tired of my life”

“I’m tired of been hated because I was born an omega.”

“I wasn’t the moon goddess who made me an omega.”

I was always tortured and punished for what I didn’t know about.

The one hope I have wished for all my life was taken right in front of me because I’m an Omega.

It isn’t my wish to become an omega.

Why the hell did the people made it a big deal for someone to be an Omega.

They make sure they remind me of who i am everyday which isn’t fair. I said crying out loud bitterly.

“It’s time to let it go.”

“It’s time to free myself off this prison.”

“It’s time to go back to where I came from.”

“It’s time to end all this” I whispered to my self as I stood up.

I walked straight to the cliff to end it all.

Accept my soul Papa and mama. I said the last time before saying a short prayer.

I was about jumping off the cliff when an unfamiliar scent hit me.

I need to jump off before someone find me out here and save me.

I don’t want to be save by anyone.



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