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The One Time Rejected Omega novel Chapter 9

Chapter 10

You are punished

Lillian POV (Arielle Aunt)

“Alice!!!!!!!” I screamed out her name.

“Alice!!!!!” Where in the godamn world are you??

“Stop shouting out my name mom, I’m right here” She said as she walked closer to me.

“Where the hell have you been?”

“I haven’t seen you since I woke up, so where the hell have you been?” I questioned her.

“Was that the reason why you were calling out my name like I stole something from you?” She asked me rolling her eyes and I began wondering where she got those nerves from.

“Alice, I just asked where you have been throughout the day.” I said.

“If that is what you have been wanting to hear then let me say it.”

“I was with my best friend Renna.”

“What discussion were you both making that made you come home this late.” I questioned her arching one of my brow.

“You don’t have to know mom because it’s non of your business.” She replied me and for some seconds I was thinking if this is really Alice my daughter.

“Let that slide for now, the main reason why I have been searching for you was because of my money I kept in my room.”

“I couldn’t find it and I guess it was stolen by someone who know where I keep my money.

“Who took the money?” I questioned her expecting her to confess immediately.

“Mom you know I find this question annoying and stupid at the same time.”

“Did you call me stupid Alice.” I asked her as I couldn’t believe my ears.

“If that is what you want me to call you then so be it mom, you are stupid.”

“How the hell will you think I stole your money.”

“If I needed money, I will ask dad then why the hell will I steal your money.” I explained.

“I find your question annoying because you know I can’t do such and still yet you doubted me.”

“I find you and the questions stupid because you thought I stole your money.”

“No one know where I keep my money in this house apart from you Alice so where is my money. I questioned her already fuming but she didn’t even move an inch.

“You are thinking I stole your money when you haven’t asked those good for nothing slaves.”

“You better go collect your money from those good for nothing slaves and stop accusing me.” She lashed at me as she walked out my sight.

“Hmmmmhmmmhmmm!!!!! I sighed frustratedly.

“I will find the person behind all this havoc soon and I will make sure they pay dearly for all the damage they’ve caused. I said bitting my finger and cussing the person who stole my money.

“There is a word which says.”

“Everyday is a day for the thief but they will surely be a day for the owner.”

“I will find the culprit soon.”

“I regret ever allowing that good for nothing witch to run away, now I’m so stressed up and tired.

Arielle POV

“Who the hell sent me this letter”? I questioned myself looking around the house.

“Am I not to early for them to start sending me threatening letter?”

“Because I literally don’t know who I snatched and why the letter was sent.”

“I just came in two days ago and I have already been accused of snatching a guy who I don’t really know.”

“I need to be more extra careful on this place because I don’t want to end of blaming myself . “

“ I need to say off problem and trouble at cost.”

“And I hope I haven’t forgotten what I was here for.” I questioned myself.

“I was taken in by some unknown peeps but I’m here to train myself to become stronger and fearful.”

“I’m an omega, I know so well that I will get tired quickly doing the training but I’m never going to give up.”

“The more I train is the more I’m going to become stronger for my revenge.”

“I haven’t forgotten the reason why I want to train, I thank those people for taking me here and not allowing me to jump Down the cliff.”

“Even though they tried to rape me they did well for bringing me in here for my revenge.

“I will go back and take what rightfully belongs to me.”

“I just need to become stronger and fearful.”

I took of my clothes and went to the bathroom to take my bath.

Immediately I walked in the straw berry scent hit my nose.

“Who the hell made my bath? I asked my self.

“Anyways thanks to Person that made it this is what I need right now.”

I stepped into the bath tub and lie on it. “

I was on the bath tub for few minutes enjoying the warmth of the water.

You are punished 1


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