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The One Time Rejected Omega novel Chapter 7

Chapter 8


Alpha Liam POV

“I will be hooking you up with Naomi.” Dad said giving me a smile.

“What do you mean? And beside who is Naomi? I questioned him.”

“You ask so much question so but I will answer them.”

“First of all, Naomi is your long time crush.

Don’t get me wrong son.”

“I didn’t mean you are crushing on her but it’s the other way round.”

“She is the one crushing on you.”

“What do I have to do with that if she is crushing on me?”

It’s none of my business Dad, she can keep her crushing to herself.

“One more thing, she needs to be careful about her crush before it crush her off someday.” I told him as a stood up.

I was about walking to the bathroom when dad stopped me.

“Where the hell are you going to?

“I don’t need to answer that, you can see that clearly.

“You dare not move an inch when I am not done talking to you.” Dad threatened.

“Watch me do so Old Man.” I replied him.

“You can’t just leave my sight when we aren’t done talking.” Dad complained.

“I’m done talking.”

“I don’t know if you are done talking but I’m not done talking to you.” Dad said.

“ if you aren’t done talking then talk to yourself because I’m done talking.” I said as I walked to the bathroom and bang the door.

“See who is acting brave” my wolf teased me.

“Shut the hell up Dwayne.”

Arielle POV

“I can’t go with him.” I screamed moving back in fear.”

“You don’t have to be scared Cutie, he is a nice guy.” The ALPHA said.

“He isn’t a nice guy, he is among the bastards of tried to take advantage of me.” I said with my voice filled with fear.

“I’m so sure you aren’t stable yet, or I think the fear of almost killing your self on the cliff is still getting on you.” The Alpha said.

“I’m not scared of me trying to kill myself but this Beast trying to take away my innocency.” I said.

“Calm down my life! He isn’t going to do anything bad to you, you can trust me on that.” He tried encouraging me but it isn’t working a bit.

“Thank you so much, but you don’t have to tell him to show me the way.”

“I can go back my self because I came here myself also.” I told him.

“I guess you have forgotten that you came with someone.”

“You can’t do alone, any of my guards must accompany you to your room.” He concluded and I couldn’t argue any further.

“You don’t have to worry dear, I will assign another guards to show you around since you are scared of this first one.” He said calmly.

“Thank you so much, I really appreciate.


“Here is the new guard, he will take you to your room and he will show you around after that.”

“Please note that he is your personal guard, if you need anything then you can let him know.” He told me with a smiley face.

I looked up and for some seconds I was lost staring at him.

He is the really definition of handsomeness.

Can’t believe someone as cute as him is a guard.

“Hey!!! I felt a hand waving across my face and I snapped off my thought.

“I guess you were thinking about something because I was talking to you and you aren’t replying me.”

“I was thinking about something” I told him.

“You can never go Arielle, he is going to be your personal guard as from today.” He said and I nodded my head before leaving the hall with him.

“Welcome to our humble pack My Lady, we are so glad to see you.” He said bowing his head dramatically and I chuckled.

“Your training will begin as from tomorrow because you will need to take a long rest today.” He said and I nodded my head.

Every where was quiet that the only sound you will hear is that of our shoes clicking on the ground.

Within seconds we were at my balcony.

“I’m sorry to say but I will be going inside with you.”

Something fishy 1


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