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The Rejected Luna novel Chapter 11

The Girl without a wolf:

The Rejected Luna.

The strange voice.

Chapter 12.

Jane's point of view.

I am in the training room, training harder than before. Today is the day my rejected mate gets to introduce and mark his mate. Today will be my last day on earth if he gets to mark her successfully. I won't give up. I don't want to die. After suffering so much, this is not how I want my life to end. I will never let him kill me. I keep punching the training bag, throwing heavy blows at it. That bastard. I have yet to pay that bastard for insulting me and my mother. I focus on my intuition and keep punching the bag without noticing Vishal's presence.

"Easy, girl, you don't want to injure yourself," he whispered. Don't take your anger out on that innocent bag.

"What are you doing here, Vishal, instead of being at my rejected mate pack? Is it over already? I asked him. Vishal raises his eyebrow before laughing louder.

"Jane, Easy Jane," he said. You won't believe what happened today at his pack? I was shocked and, at the same time, amused by what the alpha wolf did.

"Tell me, I'm already curious." Spill everything out, Vishal," I mumbled.

I was curious about what that monster did. Did he accept and mark her? Are they mating with each other now? I keep asking myself.

"Hey, stop thinking about that. It's not what you are thinking that happens. It is another thing entirely.

"If so, please notify me." Stop dragging it, please," I beg.

"Jane, could you believe that Luna's head was ripped away before she was marked? Vishal announced.

"What!!!! I cried out. Rip away? Why? How? By whom?

"Jane, can you stop asking a lot of questions?" he said. Even without you asking, I am still going to tell you.

The alpha chosen Luna's head was ripped away by the alpha wolf himself.

"Whattt!!! It's not possible. How can he kill his chosen Luna instead of introducing her to his pack and guests? He is supposed to mark her or are you saying all these things to me so that you can make me happy", I let out not believing a single word."

You better believe what I am telling you. He killed his Luna queen. I mean, the alpha wolf killed her and later announces to the world that she is a fake one. She's not his true mate. "The Alpha lies to everyone," says Vishal. I wish you were there. He cruelly ripped her head away.


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