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The Rejected Luna novel Chapter 13






The appetizing smell of food flows its way to my snout. I walk into the kitchen to see Vishal cooking. He was serious in his cooking.

"Vishal, don't tell me you are the one that cooks this delicious, mouth-watering food!" I muttered, pointing at the served food on the table.

"Yes, sweetie, you're free to dig in. I cook this for you!!: he murmured.

"For me? How?

"I cook this for you, for finally meeting your wolf", he replied.

"Aww, Vishal. Thank you", I said, blushing.

"Anything for you, love", he smiles.

After that, Vishal and I began to eat. He's so sweet and nice to me.

Why can't the moon goddess mate me with this kind-hearted guy? Why did she mate me with heartless trash like my mate?

"What are you thinking about, Jane", Vishal asks.

"Ha! Nothing" I responded.

"I don't think so", he smirks. I have been noticing you stop eating and thinking about something. Is something bothering you, Jane? You've been hitting your spoon on your food plate.

He noticed. He knows me too well. How can I tell him I'm thinking about my trash mate? Won't he think I'm a bitch. Vishal has been treating me well. He's honest, and I should be honest with him as well.

"It's nothing serious, Vishal", I smile. I'm just thinking about my mate. "Why will the moon goddess mate me with someone like him? Why am I not mated with someone pure and kind?

"Jane, you think too much. You can't question the goddess of mating you with him. The deity knows the best. And as for your mate that rejects you, it is because he thinks you have no wolf. He's the king, after all.

I sighed. "Are you telling me to understand him because he's the king? That is a lame excuse, Vishal. He never gives me a chance. He coldly rejects me because he thinks I'm worthless. He humiliated me. What a jerk! I promise myself I will pay that bastard every penny.

Vishal watched me as I rant about my ex-mate. I was angry, very angry. I have waited for my mate all my life only to meet him and get rejected. Who does that? He even threatened to kill me and my mother. He did so many unforgivable things to me. He rejected and humiliated me. He treats me as a bitch at the club, and lastly, he chooses a Luna for himself, planning to mark her and kill me. I want a mate who will love me for who I am. All my life, my mother has taught me how fated mates are supposed to be. My mate rejected me. Even my father hates my gut. I blame them all. I blame my stupid mate. I blame my father, and I blame all my pack members for hating me.

"I understand your pain, but you have to take it easy, Jane. I'm not saying what he did is right and good, but I won't call him a bad guy either because he has a duty to do as a king. "Werewolf kings are known to want a strong female as their queen", he utters. He should have given you a chance, instead of choosing another female over you.

He's just too good despite knowing what that jerk did to me, he is still talking in his favor. I'm so jealous. Any female that gets to be Vishal's mate will be a lucky one. He's just too good.

"I have nothing else to say since I'm short of words. Why are you so kind, Vishal? I ask, staring at the wonderful being in front of me.

He laughed at my words. He slightly dragged my cheeks and patted me on the head.

"Be good", he mumbled. You are a strong one.

after we eat. We talk for a long period of time before I excuse myself to train.

"Don't push yourself too much, Jane", Vishal said. I never said you can't train or training is bad, but you've got to take it easy on yourself.

"Sure, I will. Thank you, I whisper.

I was alone in the training room. I was engrossed in my training when I saw a figure walk in.

"Jane", she screams, running towards me.


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