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The Rejected Luna novel Chapter 15

The Girl Without a Wolf:

The rejected luna.

Chapter 15.

Resentment. Mortal enemies.


Jane's point of view.

What kills a werewolf the most is having a wolf and she dies. Being woofless is better than having a dead one.

I was still grieving my loss. I lock myself in my room without allowing anyone to see me. Amber is gone. My wolf is gone. I was happy I had a wolf to call mine. She's my partner and my everything. I kept talking to her, but I got no response from her.

"Amber, are you there? No responds.

This is my 100th time talking to her, and I'm hoping she's gonna reply to me.

The little time I got to know my wolf, she made me feel happy and special. She is always there for me. I causes all this. She dies because of me. Oh, Amber, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry you're mated with someone cruel and brutal. I vow to avenge you. I swear to kill him. I will make him pay with blood. I will make him feel more pain than the one I'm passing through right now.

"Are you in there, Jane? I hear Amira's voice.

I stay silent without responding. I don't want anyone to see me like this. Even when my mate rejected me. I have never felt sad and heartbroken like this.

"Jane, open this door, please. "We are here to talk to you," Ella spoke out.

"I am not in the mood to see anyone," I replies. Please go back.

"Don't do this, please. "We're very worried about you. "Please, open this door", Amira said as she keep knocking on the door.

"Can't you let me be, for goodness' sake? My voice comes out weak. Can you give me some space?

"Okay", Amira said. "We will do as you say, but we are not leaving you. We will be sitting here until you open your door.

I ignored what she said. I feel weak

Resentment replenished my heart. Should I blame the moon goddess for mating me with a bastard? She blessed me with a wolf and later took her away from me. I think the goddess must have hates me for intentionally mating me with a killer. I was still in my thoughts when my phone rang. I ignored it. It rang the second time. I picked up my phone to check who the caller is. "It was my mother.". I picked up the call.

"Hello, baby girl," says my mother.

"Hi, mom! "Good evening," I respond, trying my best not to let her sense my sorrow through my voice.

"What happened, my love? She asks. Why are you sounding like this?

"It's nothing, mom! I'm fine.

"Oh, no. Don't tell me that, darling. This is not my daughter's voice. "I can sense that you are very sad. Don't tell lies", she says. Tell me what was wrong.

I guess I can't keep it to myself any longer. She already knows, even without saying a word yet.

"Are you there? Her voice sounding worrying. Jane, are you still there?

"Yes, mother. I'm with you, I breathe.

"Okay, good. Now tell your mother what's bothering you.

"Mother," I burst out crying.I lost Amber. I lost my wolf.

"Your wolf? My mother inquired. Jane, do you have a wolf?

"Yes, mom. It all happens so fast. I met Amber and now she's gone. I met Amber and now she's gone, "I enunciate. He kills her. He was thinking of killing me, but Amber got kill instead. I cried so hard. "She died for me. I caused all this, mother.

"Calm down, baby," she muttered. "Who killed your wolf? Did you meet a strong warrior in a fight?

My mother's voice was full of worries.

"Mother!!" My mate killed her. He intentionally killed my wolf", I emitted.

"What!!" she screams. "What have I done to deserve this? Oh, moon goddess, why is my beloved daughter mated with a monster king? She didn't deserve this kind of barbarity.

My mother keeps blaming the goddess for pairing me with him. I can feel her sorrow, yet she's still trying her best to calm me. I was taunted, bullied, and called names because I had no wolf. No one likes me, and they all think I don't deserve to be their future beta. Only my mother believed in me when no one else did. She already understood how he killed my wolf.

"I'm sorry, darling. Please stop reprimanding yourself. You didn't cause her death, your stupid mate did. I never believed he could go that eschelon to kill you," she said with anger. "Thank God you have a wolf that saves you. Your wolf saved you, Jane. She loves you. All you have to do is get stronger and avenge her. You should make him pay for his sins and ruthlessness.

Mother consoled me for a long time. She's right. I need to gather myself and begin to train harder than before if I want to defeat that bastard. I need to deal with him.

I wipe away my tears. I stand up and head to the bathroom.

I stand under the shower as the water fell on my body. My heart hurt. I open my door when I am fully dress only to meet Amira and Ella sitting at my doorstep.

"Thank goddess you open your door", Amira said, standing on her feet.


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