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The Rejected Luna novel Chapter 14





The revenge.


Richard Stance.

They keep trying to anger me to death. They keep bugging me to accept that scumbag of a mate. They are trying everything in their power to match me up with her. Why won't they let me be? My wolf is a pain in my ass. Raymond is bent on forcing me to accept her. What's her usefulness? She's dumb as a fool. She's worthless. She has no wolf. She's weaker than a mere human. She didn't deserve me. I'm too good for her. She's getting on my nerves. Why won't she just disappear forever? I'm sure she dresses so sexy in the club to seduce me. She stalks me and knows I come there to relax and enjoy myself. Parker makes me lose my strong chip. He kills her because of that worthless trash. He even threatened me because of that thing he called a mate. My friend, Raymond, went against me and tried to imitate her to look good in front of me. I have been keeping myself for my mate. I want her to be my first. Who knows, I will be mated to her? The Goddess blesses me with someone like that. That ugly existed. I will pay my wolf back for killing my chip. I will make him regret killing her. I will get back to him by hurting his precious mate. What can I do to get back at him? How can I make both of them suffer? I want that bitch to suffer more. Oh, yes, I get it now. To make her suffer agonizing pain, I will fuck with a she-wolf. Yes, sleeping with her will make her feel pain, or better still, kill her since she has no wolf. She has no one to take her pain away. Good payback. I plan my revenge and follow it up. I pushed my wolf deeper and made him fall asleep. I put on my clothes and set off to the club. I parked my car in front of the club before stepping down. Interesting. I saw so many hot and sexy girls. They are my type of ladies. The thought of that bitch comes to my mind. "What the fuck!!"

Is she trying to force me to my death? I immediately removed her from my thoughts. I need to focus. I'm on a mission here. I walk deep inside the club. Girls swarm around me. I keep checking them out. I need to choose the best one that I can bestow my mercy upon. I chose her. I finally found a pure but cute one.

"Come over here and make me happy", I said. You should be happy I chose you. It's your duty to serve me, and I shall bestow you with my blessing.

She slowly walked to where I was seated. I grab her hand and forcibly force a kiss on her.

"Hmmm!" She moans.

I picked her up and headed to my personal room. The one I usually rest my head in. I opened the door and pushed her to the bed.

"Take it easy, baby," she flirted.

What a bitch! She thinks she's something now because I choose her. Who does she think she is? She is nothing but a whore.

"You are nothing but my fuck slut", you don't get to complain about how I treat you", I clench her jaws. Do you understand?

"Yes, yes, I do. "I'm sorry", she pleads.

"Good!!" Now strip!!" I command. I want to see you naked.

She trembles at the way I talk to her. She began to undress. I was satisfied when I saw her in her full glory. She's average. Her boobs are not too big or too small, just so so.

"What are you trying to do to me? She asks when she sees me bringing out a black veil.

"How many times will I tell you not to question me? "You have no right to question me, slut", I roar. I'm getting impatient. I need to be fast before Parker wakes up. She's getting on my nerves. "Do you want me to cut out that tongue of yours?

She fell to her knees and started begging. This is how a weak one does it. They only know how to beg the strong. The strong prey on the weak. She crawls and holds my legs. She began to cry.

"I will kill you, if your tears drop on my shoes," I threatened. Do you want to stain my shoe with those dirty tears of yours?

She immediately stopped crying and cleaned up her tears. It is totally silent now.

"On your feet", I growled. Do you see this veil? I'm covering your eyes because you have no right to see me naked.

She nods her head before I cover her face with the veil. When I was satisfied, I started to undress my clothes. I'm naked and ready for my revenge.

This is my first time. My first time seeing a naked woman. I push her to the bed before I climb to meet my prey.

"Let's get started, shall we? I groan before slamming inside her petals.


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