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The Rejected Luna novel Chapter 38




Jane’s Stance

I’m happy to hear my mom's voice. Hearing her voice lights up my world.

“Jane, what are you thinking about? June urged. “Why aren't you eating? What are you thinking?

“Ha!” What are you saying? I inquired. I was pull out of my thoughts.

“What are you thinking about? She asked. “I’ve been talking to you since, but you are not answering me.” Is something wrong? 

“I didn’t hear you. I’m sorry! “I buzzed. 

“Are you thinking about your mate? June demanded. If so, I would advise you to give him a call.

“No, it’s not about him. I’m thinking about my mom. I’m still worried about her, ‘’ I let out. I think my father is frustrating her. 

“That’s not possible.” “You told me he loves her very much,” she asserted. “How can he maltreat the mate he loved? 

“You know, I disappeared without telling my mom!” She must be worried and thinking of searching for me, and my father won’t allow that. She must be angry at him and him angry at her ‘’ I stated. And from there, she started abhorring him and he started victimizing her. I caused everything, and I blame that bastard for this.

“It’s okay!’ June said. Everything will be fine. Now that she knows you are alright, she will be fine, and she is going to take care of herself. Keep calling her often.

“Sure, I will. Thank you.

“So, can you eat your food now?” she smirks.

“Yes, I can. I dug my spoon into my food and began to eat. As usual, it was delicious. June is the best cook. She cooks nicely.

After eating. We chatted and prepared for tomorrow. 

“June, what are you doing? I asked her.

“Shhhh!! She whispers. 

She is on call with a stranger. I let her be and picked up my phone to call my mate. He picked up the call at once. It’s as if he’s expecting my call.

“Hello, sugar,” he said. “Are you missing me?

“No, I’m not,” I lied. “I am not missing you.”

“Oh, someone is lying. I guess I’m going to end this call, “he mumbles. I’m going to call you later.

“Wait a minute, I scream over the phone!” Wait, Vi. I miss you so much.

“Mmmm!” I don’t seem to hear you. What do you say? He asked. Can you speak loudly?

“I miss you a lot, mate,” I replied. “I miss you so much.”

He said, “I guess you do by the way you screamed,” I miss you too, honey, and I have been waiting for your calls. Have you eaten?

“Yes, I’ve. So, what about you? Have you eaten? I asked.

“Yes, I just finished eating my food, not quite a long time,” he said. Is your friend with you there?

“No, she’s not here. I’m the only one in my room ‘’ I responded. 

“Okay, when are you coming over here? I mean, when are you going to come see me?  Vishal asked.

“Today is the weekend. I will be coming over there tonight, “I said.” “ What do you think? 

“Yes, it’s fine by me.” I am okay with anything, he said.

Talking to him over the phone makes me happy. We talked for a long time before ending the call. 


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