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The Rejected Luna novel Chapter 39


The Girl Without A Wolf

Chapter 35.

Jane’s stand. 

It’s okay, June. Allow me to go meet him, I sputter. He won't do anything silly to me.

"No, I won’t allow you to meet him alone," she muttered. That’s too risky. No matter what you say, I will be there with you.

She seems to have made up her mind to go with me even though I tried to change her mind. Sharon stood there and kept swinging like a frond. She uttered no word because of June’s threat.

"You can go with me to meet the boss. She smiled at me as she nodded her head. We both walked to the boss’s office. I knocked on his door, waiting for his permission to come in. I knocked for the second time. There was no sound. He stayed silent. He finally answered me when I knocked the third time.

"Yes, you can come in," Mr. Mark answered. I open the door and walk in with June. I closed the door behind me. He was doing some stuff on his desktop computer.

"Sir, you call for me," I announced. He remains mute. I was getting impatient. I don’t want to be there for a second. Merely glancing at his ugly face made me want to puke. What an awful day. He lifts his head. The smile on his face abruptly dissipated when he saw June.

"What the hell are you doing here? He clamored at her. Who asked for you?

She didn’t speak, but I could feel her resentment and the fury she was holding. I look into her eyes. It was red. Oh, God, this is bad!

"Answer me. What are you doing here? Who called for you? He inquired with an annoying tone.

June smirks before answering, "I thought you called for both of us, or am I wrong?"

"Never. "Why could I call for you, Miss Ellia? "I asked Sharon to call for her, not you," he stated, pointing at me.

"Oh, really? Then, I guess I must have heard her wrong," she sneers. You can tell her what you want to. You don’t have to mind me; I will be standing in the corner of your office. I won’t interrupt your conversation with her.

"What the hell are you talking about, miss Ellia? He demanded. I want you out of my office now. Do you understand me?

"No, I know what you are planning to do, and I am not leaving her alone with a nasty deviant bastard like you," she fired back.

"Do you realize who you are talking to? He demanded. Do you want to be fired?

"My boss, of course. Are you no longer Mr. Mark? She asked. Do you assume I can’t see you clearly?

I watch them exchange words with each other. June is an example of a genuine friend. She acted the same way a mate should act. She’s very possessive of me. What did I do to deserve this love from her?

"You’re fired!" Mr. Mark screamed. Get out of my office before I call the security to force you out of this building, and as for you, Miss Ella, I need to talk to you privately.

"Okay, sir," I responded. I was expecting him to talk, but he kept staring at June.

"And what are you still doing in my office? Why are you still standing there? He asked. Are you not fired by me? June stood there without moving an inch.

"You seem stubborn."

"With all due respect, sir, I spoke. I don’t think she is affecting us in any way. You can go ahead and say what you want to tell me in her presence. Mr. Mark faced me with his angry, burning face. He’s not pleased with what I just said.

"I don’t seem to understand you, Ella," he let out. I told you I wanted to have a talk with you privately. It means just us without involving the third party. Miss Ellia here is the third party, and I’m not pleased to see her here.


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