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The Rejected Luna novel Chapter 40



Chapter 36.

JEALOUSY. How Dare You Touch My Woman?

Vishal’s Point of View

I have been hunting for my mate without finding her. I thought the moon goddess did not bless me with a mate. My parents have been troubling me to go look for my mate, even if I have to go search for her in another pack. The pressure intensified when my sister brought her mate home. He’s Raymond, the beta of that horrible alpha king. When I was away with Scott, the alpha king forced Jane into his pack. I was heartbroken when I learned of the way he treated her. I don’t understand how he does that. How did he have the heart to hurt his mate? He never cherished her. All he knows how to do is inflict pain on her. What a mean bastard.



I was back in the pack with Scott. Everywhere was silent.

“What is wrong? Scott inquired. Why is the pack silent like this? This is not normal. The wolf pack is always like this when one of our members dies. Who among the pack members dies when we are not around?

“We can’t say that,” I responded. We should go in and see what is happening.

“Good idea,” he answered. Let’s go in. We met the alpha and the luna. My father is also present as well. They were all looking sad.

What is going on? I asked myself. I look around. Everywhere was scattered. It seems like a fight took place here. Nothing is in order. Something is definitely wrong, but what’s it?

“Can someone tell us what’s going on here? The alpha son demanded. What happened, father? We stared at them. No one replied to us. The suspect is killing us. None of them refused to talk to us. No one answered, no matter what or how we urged them. Something is not right, and it’s missing. I can see my sister and the alpha daughter, Amira. Why can’t I find Jane with them? Where is she? They were best friends. Why is she not here with them? Luna’s family is hers. She can be here in the alpha meeting hall if she wants, so why is she not here?

“Where is she? I asked my sister. Where’s Jane?

Ella stared at me and burst into tears. I can see she has been crying. Her eyes are swollen. What’s going on? Why does she cry instantly when I ask her about her friend? I walked to where she was.

“Stop crying, sis. I don’t need your tears, “I screech, holding and shaking her. All I demand from you is to fucking answer my question. “Where is Jane? Is she in her room?

“Can you stop shaking and screaming at her?” my father finally replied. “I will answer your question. Jane, the alpha king take her away.

“Whatt!” I scream at my father, and you let him take her away? Why? And you let him in? Why? I turn to the alpha. Are you not the alpha? Why did you allow him to take her away? Why do none of you protect her? Why are you all weak? Why?

“Enough, son. “You don’t talk to your alpha like that,” he yells. He deserves all the respect from you. He’s not someone you can disrespect. Honor and bow your head in respect because he’s your alpha.

“Father, I agree that he’s my alpha, but he’s so weak that he can’t protect her from the king. How can he protect his pack members? “He’s no alpha of mine, not any longer,” he utters. I’m going to kill that trash of an alpha king.

“Youuu!...... my father pointed at me.

“Stop it, beta,” the alpha said. He’s right. What Vishal is saying is right. I’m weak. I’m not strong enough to protect her. You were here when he fiercely took her in my presence. I didn’t even try to put up a fight with him. I don’t deserve to be called an alpha. My son, Scott, will take over as leader of his people. I’m too ashamed of myself.

“What!” everyone present cried out. “What are you talking about, Alpha? The beta speaks. Why are you suddenly deciding to step down and let your son take over? This is not right, alpha. Please reconsider your decision.

“It is okay! My decision stands. I am not stepping down because of what your son said. He mumbles, “I’m only doing this because I feel useless and ashamed of myself.” I should have tried my best to protect Jane. I regret it.


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