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The Rejected Luna novel Chapter 61

The Rejected Luna

The girl without a wolf

Chapter 57.

Jane's Stance

Shit! This is hopeless, I puffed, lying back on the bed. I'd spent the past hour struggling with how to untie my hands and legs, but I still couldn't. The rope he used in tying me up was thick and hard to loosen.

The Alpha-King might return anytime soon and if I don't untie myself before he returns, I might not be able to escape again.

But he tied me up in a very tight knot and I can't loosen it, no matter how much I twist and squirm. I just feel like dying right now.

Just a day with him, and I've had my pussy ravaged in the most inhumane way. That Alpha-King has no conscience and he's very insatiable. Even if he fucks me a thousand times in a day, he still wouldn't be satisfied.

His thrusts are hard and he fucks me with no pity like he's punishing me for something. I can't fight him off even if I wanted to, he'll kill Vishal if I refuse him from fucking me.

I feel so ashamed and dirty right now. Vishal has been the best mate anyone can ask for. He loves me with all his heart and soul, he'll never do anything to hurt me. But here I am, in another man's bed, allowing him to fuck my pussy as much as he wants to. Even though I'm doing this for Vishal's safety, I still feel so guilty and I can't help it.

But this is not the end of it. I promise I will get out of here. I'll escape from him, even if that means risking my last breath. I'll take my revenge against him for my body that he has abused and toyed with. I'll revenge against him for all the torture he put my Vishal through, and for the innocent people that he has put through worse agony than he's doing to me right now. I must have my revenge on him, The Moon Goddess bears me witness to it.

Again, I tried freeing my hands from the knot and I failed again. I'm very exhausted right now and I'm hoping more than anything that someone barges in here and frees me.

I feel ashamed as I remembered when Ray walked in and saw me naked and the Alpha-King was on top of me. I wish he comes in again, at least, now I'm wearing clothes. I wish he'll come in again with Ella so that I can tell her about the horrible fate awaiting Vishal in the hands of the Alpha-King.

Just then, the door creaked open and I quickly sat up, expecting to see Ray. But I got sad when it wasn't him, it was just the palace Omegas. They were carrying different trays of food.

They stopped and bowed their heads in greeting. I'm surprised that they're not looking at me differently. They are acting normal, as if I, being tied up In their Master's bed is a conventional thing to be done. Maybe because they know me, or probably because this isn't the first time their Master tied a female up in his bed.

As much as I needed someone to untie me, I didn't dare ask them to do it. If I ask them to untie me and they do, their Master will kill them and I don't want innocent souls dying because of me.

"We brought your food, Ma'am," the eldest of them said, and she stretched out the tray she was carrying.

Are they kidding me? Which hands do I use in eating the food?

"Our Master said we should spoon-feed you, so you don't need to worry about how you'll eat the food," One of them said.

You can't be serious. Spoon-feed who? Do I look like a child or an invalid? I got so angry at their words, but I didn't lash out at them. I know it's not their fault at all. They're just following orders.

"Thank you so much, but I'm not hungry," I rejected their offer politely, even though I was burning with anger.

"No, Ma'am. You have to eat. Master said he's gonna have our heads on the stakes when he returns and you're yet to be fed," the youngest of them whispered. There were four of them.


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