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The Rejected Luna novel Chapter 62

The Rejected Luna

The girl without a wolf

Chapter 58.

Alpha-King's Mate

I hurried back to the palace and ran upstairs to go check if Jane was still in my room. I met the palace Omegas coming out of my room, and they immediately went on their knees as they saw me.

"Is Jane inside the room?" I asked them and they nodded. I was happy but the next thing they said made my happiness disappear.

"She's inside with her friend,"

"Her friend?" I repeated, just to be sure that I heard them correctly. They nodded. "Which friend is that?"

"Beta Raymond's Mate," they replied simultaneously.

What?! I hurried past them and went to the door of my room. I threw it open and it thudded, but they didn't even hear it. They were too engrossed in whatever conservation they were having.

"What are you talking about?!" I demanded and they both froze.

Seeing Ray's mate got me insanely angry and I wish for nothing more than to snap her neck and drown her in the deepest part of the ocean. I've never liked her, ever since she became Ray's mate, he started acting differently like a love-struck puppy. But my hatred for her just increased as I found out she's the sister of Jane's swindler mate. Now, I detest her with every nerve in me.

Ray seems to be trying my patience, even though he knows how dangerous it gets when I completely lose my patience.

Why the heck did he send his stupid mate here to come to talk with Jane? How dare she invade my privacy?!

I'm sure she has no idea where I'd locked her brother up, or about the fact that he has escaped. I'm sure she doesn't know any of these, but if she keeps seeing and talking to Jane, she might poison Jane's mind against me even more. She might make Jane try all means to escape.

The ideal thing would be to kill her off, as I plan to kill her brother, but Ray is still my friend. And that's the only reason I won't touch her yet.

"What the hell were you both discussing before I walked in?!" I questioned them again, very much impatient and furious right now.

"Uh-no-nothing. We were just greeting each…other," Jane stuttered, trying to give me a convincing smile. But I didn't buy her lies, as it was very obvious that she was lying.

I can see it in their eyes, both of them are hiding something and I'm sure it has to do with that swindler mate of hers.

I walked closer to them and pulled Ray's mate by the hair, dragging her out of my room to the hallway.

She was struggling and punching my hand but my grip on her hair is rigid. Her boobs bounce at how much she is struggling, but I don't even feel an ounce of attraction for her. She's one female who has never aroused me, even if she's naked, I still won't feel attracted to her. Sometimes, I wonder if she's a stick that magically turned into a girl and ended up as Ray's mate.

"Let me go!" She shrieked in pain.


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