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The Runaway Breeder novel Chapter 2

“Now let’s hurry up before we are late. That is not a way to start off as a working member of this pack.” Jack states a little to cheerily and grabs both Chris’ and my wrist, dragging us out the door and into the car. The pack house is about a half an hour drive from where we live with its function being used for meetings, special occasions and for the warriors and wolves without mates live. If it weren’t for Chris and Jack being my family and guardians I would have been living at the pack house long ago since my parents’ deaths. Slowly the big mansion comes into view and the drive comes to an end with the car at a stop in the parking lot, the three of us getting out in front of the old Victorian building. The nerves that have been missing this entire morning decide to make themselves present now while I climb out of the car, taking in the amount of pack members lingering around.

“Remember, you are to mingle with the other wolves while the Alpha assigns you to your position. Who knows, maybe you are his soul mate.” Chris encourages me, kissing my forehead before him and Jack walk away to join the other parents and guardians. I sigh sadly as I watch wolves my age talk to their parents one last time, wishing for once that my own had survived the rogue attack ten years ago and stand here to give me advice that will calm the nerves that send my heart into an unsteady rhythm. Shaking my head I take a deep breath, sighing wistfully one last time before turning towards the building and heading into it with a brave smile on my face. Mom always told me to never show my true emotions when in a crowd of wolves. The strong prey on the weak and I refuse to show any weakness.

As I enter the building, I am taken back by the sheer amount of wolves my age, each one ready to take on their responsibilities in this pack. Everyone is dressed in their best attire, hoping to leave a good impression as we all aim for the highest passion possible. Many of the females have took consideration in their attire, switching their short shorts in the summer hear for conservative dresses, blouses and slacks. Only the few females that aim to climb the pack hierarchy dress in revealing clothes. But we all have one position we do not want to obtain – the Breeder.

Breeders are the she-wolves assign to become the pup producers in the pack. Their job is to allow the mateless warriors of Pine Paw to breed them with no say in who their partner is during the current breeding period. Its intended purpose is to add more wolves to our pack population and bring about stronger wolves in the next generation. Many wolves believe it to be an honorable position a she-wolf can obtain, but we all know the truth. Once you become a Breeder you are nothing more than a slave, a tool for men to use your body for their own pleasure while they rape you into producing the next lot of pups for the pack. If you ask me it is a barbaric way to increase the pack’s population, but the she-wolves chose has no say in their position of a Breeder and no say in ending this barbaric job. To say that the slim possibility of being chosen for this position scares me is an understatement. I am terrified for any she-wolf, myself included, that will receive this position knowing that for the next chapter of their life, the she-wolf will be a slave until she produces the specified amount of twenty pups for the pack. While everyone else mingles about the pack house, their conversations about what positions they wish to receive and the exclamation of the lucky ones finding their soul mate, I stick to myself and make my way to a corner of the room where I can be left alone. Most people my age tend to enjoy mingling and talking to one another, but I always felt like an outcast. No one wanted to be friends with the she-wolf that lost her parents and were raised by two males. The scent of perfume and cologne is strong with everyone together in such a closed off space but makes it easy to discern who belongs to which faction. The wolves that smell like a grade eight locker room where boys use Axe as a shower in a can by the punch bowl most likely spiked with some form of alcohol are the ones who are the built for power. Each male wolf built with muscle upon muscle will become a Warrior as they fan girl about some sport game that was on last night and who won. The group of small wolves that do their best to blend into the background with little to no scene on them will be Omegas that will do the regular work around the pack from cleaning and cooking to taking care of the day care and little kids. The working class is what we referred to these Omegas as some will also help run the companies owned by the pack doing a nine to five job like regular humans. Then there is a group of wolves that fit in between the Omegas and Warriors I call the Acolytes standing by the book shelves and seem to be in a heated debate about a medical theory. These Acolytes will fill in positions such as Pack Doctors, nurses, architectures, builders and any task that require research and planning. We can't rely on humans to help build our community and risk exposing the werewolf race so these wolves take the place of any jobs that require any university and college degree. If it weren’t for my Alpha and Beta blood line, I would be considered an Acolyte and be a part of that debate. Taking a seat on an arm chair once I reach my destination to the corner with a window I can stare out of, I spot the Alpha taking to a few girls who try their best at looking coy and sexual before him. I always wondered what pushing your body against a male would benefit to a she-wolf other than being used and taken advantage of but made no comment of their behaviour. I preferred working hard for the things I want and being independent. The idea of needing a strong male to take care of and protect me like a precious doll seemed a little old fashioned to me. It’s not that I do not want my mate, but I crave being independent more. Christ jokes around saying that it’s the Alpha Blood in me wanting to be respected and not under the control of another.


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