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The Runaway Breeder novel Chapter 3

Two warriors stand a respectful distance away from Alpha Sam but close enough to act on his command. These warriors are the ones that will step into action once Alpha Sam designates a she-wolf as the next pack Breeder. They are the wolves everyone fears as they have a higher status than the regular warriors. Not only do they protect the Alpha, but they are also given special privileges as wholes who forsake the mate bond, intending to stay mateless for the rest of their live just to have their pick of the Breeder populace where at any moment, they can storm into a Breeder’s home and fuck her as he pleases. Every mother warns their daughter to never go near the ten warriors dedicated to this position as some even abuse their powers to take a she-wolf that catches his eyes in the pack. There are many stories of she-wolves being raped to please these men when a Breeder is unavailable and there is nothing the young girl can do other then accept her fate.

I keep an eye on the Alpha, knowing that at any moment he will make his rounds around the room and decide the fate of the newly-shifted. Disgust and annoyance is evident on the Alpha’s as a she-wolf gets too close to him, pushing her assets into his face in hopes of seducing Alpha Sam. I blame her behaviour on the many reminders her parents must have given the poor blonde she-wolf before sending her inside. Most families hope to have their pup mated to the Alpha as this will bring honor and prestige to them. Unfortunately for her, Alpha Sam has never shown any interest in the pack whores let alone a newly-shifted she-wolf like her. Her greed will not get her the position she wants. My turn to speak to him will come soon and I know the two positions I wanted, Acolyte because I have by-passed high school and am currently enrolled in College and Warrior as Chris and Jack have been training me to fight since I was seven, only to intensify my training once I shifted to include not only hand to hand combat in human form that has been drilled into me for years, but combat in wolf form as well. I turn my attention to the window, deciding to ignore everyone in the room and watch as small pups chase each other around in the yard, their laughter and squeals of delight floating in on the wind through the open window. They look so carefree and I smile at the game of tag. The scent of summer wild flowers, dew that still clung to the pack gardens from this morning and the fresh scent of pine that surrounds our pack whisks away the stench of sweat, perfume and cologne that comes off of the wolves in today’s meeting that will be taking place in the next hour. I know Chris and Jack want me to mingle with everyone, but I see no point as many wolves do their best to stay away from me. Movement from inside the room catches my attention from the corner of my eye and I turn in time to watch as Alpha excuses him-self from the she-wolves, much to their protest and dismay, and make his way towards my direction, specifically to where I sit in my corner. I smile at our young Alpha Sam who, at twenty-two, has yet to find his mate to rule beside him as his Luna of this pack. He is the most eligible bachelor that every she-wolf dreams to be mated to and is also the reason why wolves my age steer clear of me.-

“Laina how ni-.” He stops mid greeting standing before me and sniffs the air, moving closer to where I sit while he focuses his attention solely on me. Excitement bubbles inside me with the possibility this brings. His scent wafts over me and a feeling of calmness runs through every nerve ending. Could I possibly be his mate? Sam and I grew up together as my father was once his father’s Beta. He used to baby sit me during meetings where both of our parents would be busy with pack work. Even if Sam is eight years older than me as children he would spend his free time spoiling and treating me to anything my little heart desired. I remember one time he bought me a lacy dark red dress for my twelfth birthday. It was a little revealing for my taste at the time but I still loved the attention Sam showered onto me that day as we took a trip into the city. When each year passed without Sam finding his mate it gave me some form of hope that maybe I could be his and he mine. Quietly I wait for his next statement that will decide my fate and role.

“Breeder.” His voice is filled with desire as his hands shift to grope my large breasts, a smirk playing at his lips. I gasp in surprise, fear spreading through me with this one word. This isn’t possible right?

The two Warriors’ stoic faces soon fill with a smirk as their eyes scan me from head to toe. The dark toned wolf with dreadlocks winks at me as his eyes holds a trace of lust barely visible in his chocolate coloured gaze and I just know he will want to take his go at me first. His partner reaches out to grab my left arm as the dreadlock guy takes my right, the grip tight enough to remind me that escape is futile as they will hunt me down. Whispers and sympathetic gazes are sent my way as the two Warriors lead me out of the building, Some she-wolves exclaim their look in not being chosen, others wish me good luck even though I feel far from lucky. I can see some holding their phones, ready to capture a sobbing breakdown that follows each year a new Breeder is chosen, but I refuse to give these wolves the satisfaction of a good show and instead keep my head held high, my gaze forward and take each step towards the door with as much dignity as I can. Never show weakness when forced into an unfavourable situation, that’s what my father used to tell me as a child.

Everyone knows what will happen after you are assigned as Breeder. You will be whisked away from your family and forced to stay in a cottage guarded day and night only able to garden in the medium size yard given to you. But the truth is you are nothing but the slave to the warriors assigned to breed you. You will welcome an unknown male into your home, lead him to the bed you sleep in each night and spread your legs whether you want to or not. You will spend the next six months carefully observed like a rat in a lab as you carry the pup inside you to a healthy delivery, and you will repeat the process a few months later, never given a say on who will breed you. You are nothing to the pack even after gaining your freedom when the twentieth pup is born; and this is the life I will be living now.


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