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The Seventh Miserable Bride novel Chapter 192

Leah arrived at the bar. Like his shadow, Leah had followed Sebastian Simons closely for two years now. She would not even need a cellphone if she wanted to locate Sebastian.

Leah knew almost everything about Sebastian. Apart from Sebastian himself, she was the next person who truly understood him.

"Are you in a bad mood? I see that you're chugging liquor like water again."

She sat down beside Sebastian and let out a long sigh.

Sebastian was silent, he looked ahead and his gaze was inscrutable as if he was lost deeply into his own thoughts. Leah observed and reaffirmed herself, "Well, it seems like you're really in a bad mood."

"She's back."

Leah was shocked, "Who?" She suppressed her initial shock and probed further, "Is it Yasmine?"

Sebastian nodded and said, "Yes."

He took a sip of wine and smiled self-deprecatingly, "She's living a good life now. I'm pleased to know that she has someone else in her life now, an excellent gentleman, no less."

"But you still can't forget about her."

Sebastian did not speak. Leah immediately hugged and comforted him, "You must be very sad now, right? I know you are. President Sebastian, let's be together. Now that she belongs to someone else, then allow me to heal your broken heart. There's no better person to do this with..."

"Leah, you know that I can't fall in love anymore. I have lost my will and ability to love someone again, I don't want to hurt anyone."

"I don't mind, Sebastian, I really don't. As long as I get to be by your side, even if we will always be like what we are now, it will be a decision I won't regret..."

Sebastian pushed her hand away from his waist and said, "But I do. I'm okay being alone like now, at least I don't have to be accountable for another person's happiness."

After that, he put down his glass and left without looking back.

The next morning, Gabriel took Yasmine to visit Yaslor Corporation to propose a business cooperation plan.

When Yasmine knew that she was going to meet Sebastian, she was extremely nervous. When she arrived at the destination, she could only stare dumbfounded at the gigantic banner that had 'Yaslor Corporation' written in front of the building.

Sebastian brought along a group of staff to greet Gabriel. Yasmine could see a young lady with long hair and fair skin standing behind Sebastian. As if sensing that she was being observed, the young lady looked over at Yasmine and let out a slight grin.

"Would you like to visit the Production Department first or the R&D Department?"

Sebastian asked Gabriel. Gabriel thought for a moment and said, "Let's take a look at the R&D Department."

The group came to the R&D Department on the second floor. After the R&D Director patiently explained their research and findings to Gabriel, she smiled and said, "Do you know that this lady behind me used to be an excellent employee of an R&D Department? Our company's signature 3 + 2 combination products are her inspiration. She is a rare talent indeed!"

The crowd burst into hearty laughter. Yasmine explained humbly, "Director Smith, this is too flattering. That was an achievement made possible only by the contribution of the entire team."

"Look, isn't she excellent? She will never take credit for herself despite her achievements. When I became the general manager, I immediately promoted her to my special assistant on the first day."

There was another burst of pleasant laughter. The high- level executive who toasted to Yasmine yesterday applauded, "It seems that Miss Lorris is indeed a rare talent. I don't know if she would consider an alternative offer, President Sebastian could surely use a passionate learner like you."

"Hey, stop enticing my key employee in my face!"

Gabriel joked. He looked at the lady standing behind Sebastian and asked, "It seems that President Sebastian already has a secretary."

"She doesn't have to be the president's secretary. Talents can be placed just anywhere in this company. Haha!"

Amidst the chatters and laughter, the group arrived at the production department. Yasmine was curious about the mechanical sounds of the machinery in the department. While the rest were talking, she attempted to pick up one of the products on a machine out of curiosity. As soon as she extended her hand, someone grabbed and pulled her arm backward, "It's dangerous."

Sebastian gently cautioned her as he let go of her hand.

"Leah, please guide Miss Lorris there to view the completed products."

Leah nodded, "Okay."

She made an invitational gesture, "Miss Lorris, please come with me."

Yasmine followed Sebastian's secretary to view the completed products. She thought to herself, "Why did Sebastian change his career? Why did he establish Yaslor Corporation instead of working in his family company?"

"Miss Taylor, would you like to have some water?"

The sudden call from behind made Yasmine's body stiffen. She turned around and stared at the secretary's face and asked in confusion, "What did you just call me?"

"Miss Taylor."

Leah smiled and explained, "You must be surprised. I know your real name. Not only do I know your name, but I am also aware of your relationship with President Sebastian."

"I have nothing to do with him. You must have mistaken me for someone else."

Yasmine turned around and returned a product sample to its place. She was eager to return to the group.

"I've been wondering what kind of woman could force President Sebastian to the edge. I think I finally have an answer."

Yasmine clearly heard what Leah said, but she did not look back at all.

The visit lasted for two hours, and Gabriel finally had a general understanding of the business model in Yaslor Corporation. The high-level executives who accompanied the group all returned to their respective workstations while Yasmine and Gabriel entered Sebastian's office.

"President Sebastian, I'm very interested in your new product. Let's talk about our cooperation now."

Gabriel said to Yasmine, "Bring out the contract."

Sebastian waved his hand and said, "Let's not rush to the contract. Please take a look at our production plan first."

He retrieved a document from his desk and said, "This is a series of plans I came up with after conducting detailed research with the senior management of the company. If Yaslor Corporation and Goldeap Corporation were to cooperate, we suggest that you send a trustworthy employee to our company before the product is released on the market. This is so that any opinions or ideas can be communicated at any time. Otherwise, once the product design is finalized, it won't be as easy to amend it anymore. Since we have established a mutual partnership, the product must be one that we both are satisfied with. I wouldn't hope that a disagreement would drive a stake between us in the future. Director Smith, what do you think?"

Gabriel considered for a few seconds and said, "President Sebastian, you are right. I've thought about it and I think the most trustworthy employee I have would be..." He slowly moved his eyes to Yasmine and said, "It would be you."

"I can't."

"Why can't you do it?"

Yasmine panicked. She did not expect that Gabriel had intended to send her into Sebastian's company. She would do anything to escape that arrangement.

"My aunt needs me to take care of her."

"I'll take care of her for you."

"Still, that won't work."

"Why won't it work?"

"The company needs me."

"Does the company not need me then?"

Gabriel said, "Well, that's enough excuses. Even if President Sebastian knows that I like you, you can't be too disrespectful in front of him. After all, I am still your boss."


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