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The Seventh Miserable Bride novel Chapter 193

When Yasmine and Gabriel returned to the hotel, she said in a gloomy face, "I won't stay here. You should find my replacement."

"Other than taking care of your aunt, do you actually have another reason?"

"Why must you insist that I do? Isn't there any suitable candidate at all among the thousands of people in Goldeap Corporation?"

"Madeline, this cooperation is incredibly crucial. Whether it's for me or Sebastian, if this project succeeds, we would be able to venture into the international market. The early stages of this collaboration are full of sensitive and confidential information. If I'm sending any Tom, Jack, and Harry to fill in your role, it's easy for them to get compromised and leak our secrets to our competitors. By then, all our effort will have gone to waste. Besides, I have said before, you are the only person who can truly represent my interest. No one else does a better job at that than you."

"How do you know that I won't be bought off by others? Maybe I'll be tempted if they gave me enough reason to. After all, no one in this world hates money!"

Gabriel laughed unconcernedly, "Well, if that's true, why don't you marry me? It'll be more lucrative than selling out our company's secrets. There's only a one-time payment for the latter, but if you marry me, it's basically earning yourself a limitless amount of checks. What do you think? It's a great suggestion, right?"

Yasmine turned speechless as she wondered how the conversation revolved around their relationship again. She rolled her eyes and said, "The point is, I won't consider staying here! Will you let me go if I resign?"

"If you do, I'll follow you all day long and tell the company you are in that you work for me. If you can afford to have that happen, then sure!"

"You're so despicable!"

Yasmine was already furious, and now that she was threatened by Gabriel, she could feel herself on the verge of collapsing.

"You call this despicable? Do you want me to show you what despicable really look like?"

Gabriel immediately lowered his head and attempted to kiss her, but Yasmine immediately panicked and retreated. She said helplessly, "Alright alright. I understand. However, my aunt still needs someone to take care of her."

Gabriel didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Do you only have this excuse to fall back to?"

"It's not an excuse. It's a fact."

As soon as Yasmine finished speaking, her phone rang. When she saw that it was her aunt, she answered immediately, "Hello, Aunt?"

"Yasmine, how was your business trip so far? Is everything alright?"

"Yes. Everything is alright. What about you?" "Everything is okay here too. Director Smith was so kind to send over a caretaker here, I am basically spoiled by the care I've been receiving. You don't have to worry about me, just work hard over there. It's the best way to repay Director Smith's kindness!"


Yasmine was so shocked. She had never thought that Gabriel would make his move first and render her only defense useless.

"Well, alright then. Take care of yourself. I'm hanging up now."

"Hello? Aunt? Hello, wait a minute!"

Mindy Yard hung up before her niece was able to react. Gabriel walked up to Yasmine with a smugly and said, "So? Your only reason is already taken care of, it's time to stop resisting and give in."

Yasmine took three deep breathes to compose herself, "Fine. You're such a pain."

She started walking towards her room angrily, while Gabriel followed after her and said, "Come on, it's just two weeks. You're not going to be here forever anyway. If that was the case, I wouldn't be willing to let you stay here either!"

"Maybe I'll actually stay here for the rest of my life!"

Yasmine entered her room and slammed the door shut, leaving Gabriel outside.

The next morning, Gabriel was about to return to F City. Before he left, he sent Yasmine to Yaslor Corporation and said to Sebastian, "President Sebastian, I'll be leaving my capable special assistant in your care now. Please treat her well." Sebastian nodded calmly and said, "Sure, I will."

"I'll head back first. There are lots of matters that demand my attention on the other side. I'll come over once I'm free."

"Let me see you out."

Gabriel went beside Yasmine and whispered, "Come on, don't be mad. When this collaboration concludes, I will make sure that I make it up to you."

"Who cares about your compensation?"

Yasmine turned her head away angrily.

"Hey, since I'm already leaving, can't you just give me one last smile? I wouldn't feel at ease if I leave while you're like this."

Gabriel started to tease her, "Can't you smile? Come on, President Sebastian is watching you from aside."

Yasmine peeked at Sebastian and out of nowhere, she managed to let out the gentlest smile she ever had and said to Gabriel, "Are you satisfied now?"

Gabriel was flattered and nodded repeatedly. "Yes, yes, of course! I'm already melting inside."

"You should leave now."

"Well then, guess I'm leaving now. Take care!"


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