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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 1426

"We’re alive because we noticed everything much earlier, and we got lucky!” said the smiling Fane.

"That's right!" Daniella crossed her arms at her chest as she challenged, 'This competition of yours has gone overboard, and it must’ve all been premeditated!"

"Master Hunt, I hope that you can give us an explanation! None of my three sons came out! None of them!” Darryl, overtaken with fury, wanted nothing more than to rush forward and fight, and he was only held back because his deep-seated conscience told him he was no match for the man before him.

"How would I know how your son died? My sons are dead, and so many members of the Hunt family are dead. This is too weird!" Master Hunt stomped his feet in anger. He then said to the many competitors who survived the competition, "Do any of you know what actually happened? I'd understand that my second son has died; I'll presume that it's because he wasn't really skilled. My eldest son on the other hand had pills with him to increase his fighting prowess, and he even had a speed-enhancing rune, the Divine Traveling Rune. He has such a high fighting prowess, and his combat power is comparable to the Peak stage of true-god level. Who on earth is strong enough to kill him?"

"We truly know not about it, Master Hunt!" exclaimed members of the West family immediately.

"That's right, we didn't see both young masters of the Hunt family when we were in there. How would we have known that they died?!" insisted a genius from the Zachary family. "On that note, we hope that Master Hunt won't change the topic of the conversation. Please answer our question as to why you and the other two families would unite and go against our families. You guys must’ve planned everything out much earlier than this!"

Quentin had no idea what to say at that moment. He wanted to get the person who killed his sons out and whip the person's dead body to resolve the hatred in his heart.

However, he had to face the inquiry of so many people here.

He closed his eyes as he clenched his fists tightly. After some time, he exhaled deeply. “Firstly, I have to clarify that all three of our families had never discussed nor planned anything about uniting and killing

people from other families. I assume the reason they did that was because their friendship had grown during the competition, and that they felt they would fare better in fighting against the others when they band together."

Quentin paused here before he continued," With that being said, this was something the competitors conceived impromptu, and it has nothing to do with our families, and no way was it premeditated!"

"That's right! This was something they thought of at the spur of the moment, not something premeditated!" Trenton immediately went along and said, "It's normal for our younger generations to have united, considering the relationship between our families had been well all this time. For example, the Woods family has a better relationship with the Lancaster family, so their prodigies must’ve teamed up to fight against their enemies as well. Apart from that, the Ximenes family and the Zachary family also have a good relationship!"

Master Church also nodded and said," Exactly—this is all a normal, much expected behavior. I urge everyone to have no ill thoughts about the matter!"

Quentin glanced at Master Norman again before he spoke. "Master Norman, I felt that extreme heartache that all three of your sons had died inside. However, these are the rules of the competition. We had agreed that surviving and dying in the competition are personal responsibilities. If they have perished, no one can look into it after they come out, right? I do not plan to look into it, even though my son is dead!" "That is true. Let's not think about what happened inside. The situation had gotten to this point, no matter what happened in that forest." At this moment, Old Master Hunt stepped forward. Although he was heartbroken, they were the ones who set these rules. Apart from that, they purposely stressed the rules because they thought that their people would surely win. How could they embarrass themselves at this moment? So many geniuses had died, including his two grandsons. Those who died would not come back alive. It was not worth being on the receiving end of the ridicule.


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