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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 1427

"What Old Master Hunt said is right; let bygones be bygones. I believe that your Hunt family wouldn't do such a despicable thing," said Master Ximenes as he stood forward, thoughts mulled over. "Since the competition has ended, it's time to calculate the tokens. Let's distribute the rewards for this competition based on the ranking. How about that?"

"Master Ximenes is right, let's calculate them." The visibly crestfallen Quentin felt waves of heartache at that moment.

As everybody calculated the tokens, Quentin helplessly turned to the Hunt family's First Elder and muttered, "First Elder, I feel that Cloud isn't dead. His secret technique... I can still feel the connection with him in my body!" "There’s still a connection? He's surely alive, then!” The First Elder of the Hunt family was over the moon when he heard this and continued, I’m sure the other party left because they thought that the eldest young master was dead. He must’ve survived and played dead back there. Haha ... He's probably still in that forest!"

"That's right! Why didn't I think about that? You should bring a few men to go search inside. Find Cloud, do you understand?" Quentin’s eyes lit up as he was inwardly delighted. It was feasible enough. What if his son still had not died or was acting dead?

The First Elder immediately brought a group of people as they rushed over to search for their eldest young master.

Fane immediately frowned when heard this, though he relieved himself at the thought Cloud was genuinely dead. After all, he did cut Cloud into two halves with his sword, and Quentin was probably thinking his son survived due to that secret technique of his that made it such that he was still in connection with the eldest young master. Fane estimated that the technique might have malfunctioned on him.

Helena and Daniella, on the other hand, were worried silly when they heard this. They were anxious. Would they not be in trouble if Fane did not end Cloud’s life for certain, and that he managed to survive after all?

Never did the two ladies expect that Quentin had caught their frowns and worried expression. He could not help but frown and his heart immediately dropped.

Quentin felt that his son's death definitely had something to do with Helena. Why else would she be so worried and nervous when she heard that Cloud was still alive?

Not long after, the calculation of the tokens was completed.

The top-three of the individual category were Fane, Helena and Randall. The Woods family triumphed in first place in the family category, followed by the Lancaster family, and then the Cabello family!

The Norman family, Hunt family, Church family and the Lagorio family had a very, very low position in both the individual and family categories.

However, they did not care much about the ranking as the geniuses who died in this competition had caused them enough grief.

"Unbelievable! The Woods family managed to get first place in both the individual and group categories!" Titus, Kenneth, and the others were overjoyed. The Woods family had truly shone in the competition.


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