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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 1464

"Ah. What do you mean there's no difference, Daughter! I thought that you were just heading out to enjoy yourself so that you can clear your mind. I didn't think that you would tell the Four Ancient Clans about this!"

Trenton heaved another sigh. "You fool. We have these treasures, but the other reclusive families will surely hate us for leaking the information. And the Four Ancient Clans have never meddled in the reclusive families' affairs. We may have gained rewards this time, but we’ll be oppressed in the long run. The benefits do not outweigh the losses!"

As Trenton spoke, he slowly squatted as he despaired. "I barely managed to suck up to the Hunt family and build a good relationship with them," he added. "I didn't think that you would actually give them a reason to hate us! Ah. You had good intentions, but you did nothing but drag us down!”

He did not think that Lily would simply give a wan smile after she heard that. "Dad, you can’t keep looking at things from your old perspectives. You have to think of the future. This was indeed the case in the past. The many reclusive families and the Four Ancient Clans never mingled and meddled with each other's affairs, and we’ve maintained this unspoken agreement for a long time.

“But the circumstances are different now. Even if we know the techniques to attain the ultimate god status, we don't know how many of us can actually break into it, and we don't know who will make the breakthrough first. Perhaps it'll be

someone from the Four Ancient Clans or someone from the reclusive families. At any rate, the balance will soon be destroyed. This is an opportunity for us, and if we don't seize it, we'll be completely out of the game!”

As Lily spoke, she clenched her fists and spoke earnestly, "At any rate, the Lagorio family must not be shoved out of the game so easily. We must take this chance to rise!"

After Trenton heard this, he thought that it made sense. He sank into a thoughtful silence.

However, after he considered the matter for a while, he still could not help but say to Lily, "But the information about the ultimate god status is all speculation on our part. Who knows if the Seven Dangers actually contain a way to break into the ultimate god status? What if they don’t?

The Lagorio family will be finished then!"


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